Hide And Seek

After Davis left, Evelynn turned to look at the others.

Everything was going well ever since he returned. It wasn't like she didn't even need to raise a finger to get things done, not to mention she felt safer than ever, especially for her children.

"Schleya, have you become pregnant?"

She asked, suddenly making the buzzing crowd incredibly attentive.

Schleya's heart shook as she felt this prickly sensation from most of the ladies. Depending on her answer, they may very well treat her accordingly.

She lowered her head, feeling her cheeks heat up as she didn't expect to be asked this kind of question so openly.


Both answers were embarrassing for her as it was well-known Shea got pregnant the first time she was intimate with Davis. If she could do it, what's stopping them?

It was an illogical question, but it would still get asked of them, not anyone but themselves.