Cleaving Wolf Gang?

"Her name is unknown, but she is the leader of the Cleaving Wolf Gang within the Northern Sphere Bandits, and ever since she reached the Immortal Emperor Stage, she is titled the Cleaving Wolf Empress. This information came earlier today as she seemed to have cleaved the heads of the mercenaries I hired, but I have ordered the investigators to get more intelligence on her within a day."

Mingzhi explained further.

"An Immortal Emperor… seriously…?"

Davis asked with a confused expression.

Her sisters Panqa and Lanqua were still in the Immortal King Stage, and they hadn't peaked at that stage yet.

However, this bandit's third sister was already in the Immortal Emperor Stage. Although her advancement appeared to be recent, it was still a shocking endeavor for a kidnapped woman to achieve such a result unless she was somehow treated really well or had gone down another unsavory path.