Northern Sphere Bandit Emperor Dies?

"What if I did?" Zanqua curled her lips in disdain, "Don't act like feys don't eat humans. I'm sure you two had a taste or two…"

"No, we didn't. If you did, we want you to stop it from now."

"I won't."

Lanqua said, but Zanqua vehemently shook her head as though she wouldn't be able to forget the taste.

"She probably doesn't eat meat." Davis suddenly interjected, "She drinks blood."

"Isn't that the same?"

Zanqua's gaze flickered with surprise, but she still kept a wild expression.

"Nope. You don't even drink it through your mouth but inject it straight into your right arm, don't you?" Davis smirked.

Abruptly, Panqa grabbed Zanqua from behind, and Lanqua came forward, tearing apart the robe covering her right shoulder.
