Little Davis and Little Evelynn

Davis rushed to see Evelynn. He couldn't wait to take a look at his son and daughter again, wondering if they had named them already.

He knew his son would most likely be named by Isabella, and as for his daughter, Evelynn should name her if anyone didn't have better names. He could think of many names, but whatever he thought, he imagined that they could think of it as well, especially Mingzhi since she could be familiar with the old world.

Nonetheless, he didn't care if they all thought the same or different. For all he cared, he could put the names on a waiting list and give them to the tons of children he was going to have.

He made it to the first wife's chamber and saw that it was a bit crowded.

This made him smile as he wished for them all to be always united.

Stepping into the chamber that was already open, Davis heard plenty of laughter.