Being Concerned

[20 - 0 - 4]

The results of Eldia being accepted as the twenty-fifth wife also came out, but the spirit was still sleeping in Davis's soul sea.

"Now then~"

Mingzhi stood up from Davis's lap and flew back to her seat, continuing to stand in front of it with much delight.

"This hall is just the temporary venue. Soon, we'll have our own Harem Council Chamber where we can make decisions that influence or control our husband to our heart's content. The mechanism is also in the initial stages, so Bylai will make further changes upon further experimentation to close all kinds of loopholes."

Mingzhi smiled, "Who knows, we might even build a formation that blocks Heart Intent there, not particularly for our husband but for me, as it would make the process unfair if I get to know all your true thoughts, allowing me to manipulate the results even if slightly."

"We know you're fair, Mingzhi." Shirley praised.

"I'm not."