Same Person?

- when she suddenly realized something.

The world was being practically destroyed, but the World Master had yet to appear.

Such a figure wouldn't simply allow the trillions of lives to meet an end in an instant, so was Myria telling the truth?

This had nothing to do with them?

Saintess Lunaria was feeling the heat, her vision narrowing. A split second decision was all she needed yet why was she hesitating after all this was beyond her, causing her to start to ventilate.

She was going to be killed if she waited any longer, and she wouldn't even see it coming!

"That's enough."

However, a calm voice suddenly echoed, causing Saintess Lunaria's senses to return. The tunnel vision she put herself also receded, allowing her to breathe properly.

She finally saw Davis's expression again. It was no longer amicable but instead was indifferent, perhaps suppressing a belly of anger.