Kronos Alistair

Kronos Alistair couldn't help but look ahead and smile at Queen Nadija's beautiful eyes, "Perhaps even make a family with her like you did with your women, senior…"

"Ahaha. That's funny."

The Divine Emperor of Death laughed suddenly, causing him to come out of his reverie.

"What is funny? I'm serious."

He narrowed his brows, appearing solemn.

The Divine Emperor of Death stared at him for a second before he smiled.

"Then the way you are going about it is sick. I know you won't hesitate to commit evil deeds, and I know we Divergents have to resort to extremity more times than a normal person would have to go even survive, but if you're willing to commit evil against your child's mother, then you would be no different than your father I guess."


Kronos Alistair stared back at the Divine Emperor of Death, his eyelids quivering ever so lightly before he snorted.