To The East

Zenova Artoria couldn't help but smile behind her veil.

"As a sign of good faith, I don't mind revealing the location of the Crystal Gate first, as confirming it in this place is impossible unless you soulscour me, and what I asked is going to be a long conversation."

She turned northeast and pointed at the volcanic mountains shrouded in fog.

"You would reach the Crystal Gate if you keep heading northeast. As for how I know it, it's because I was near it when I was teleported into this Crystal World."

"If what you're saying is true, that would be greatly helpful." Agnirei nodded, "As for the events that occurred, you should know seven Hidden Pagodas were completed as seven seals are gone. Raigen and Southstar would explain the rest."

"Huh?" Southstar made a troubled sound.

"Very happily! Thought you'd never ask~"