Getting kicked into a Revien

Sweat poured down my face as I do push ups. Master is sitting atop a large stone, atop my back. It ways around half a ton and my arms are shaking from all the pushups. Master turns a page in the book he's reading and says,

"...In the year 875 the Kingdom of Aven attacked the kingdom of Fioren because the betrothed princess of Fionar committed suicide, She said that she'd rather die than marry their second prince, who had one blind eye…Ronan keep doing your push ups you still have another 53 to go." I grunted and continued,

"947...948...949...950...951…" I counted out loud in a hoarse voice and Sage went back to reading.

"The prince of Avan was very kind and known for helping the people but he was also very sensitive and with the death of the princess he fell into depression and killed himself by drowning…" My very existence was hell. Master Torel had devised a training method that was horrible. He'd break my body down, torn and pulled muscles, broken bones, sprains, dislocations and more and then...then he'd have me heal myself. It was horrible. My body healed stronger and then it was right back to training. It had been a weeks since id last slept. Because I was constantly healing myself I was also replenishing my energy constantly I had no need to sleep. I really wish I didn't know but at the same time I was grateful. Though my body was completely healthy it still took a toll on my mind.

My body had changed a lot over these past three months. I had bulked up a lot. Before I was just tall and wiry. My shoulders had widened and I had developed muscles all over my body from the different training. My hair was getting longer and for some strange reason there ends of my longer hair was a dull red. Finishing my push ups I shed the boulders and master, who lightly jumped down. He just sat down on the grass in front of me and continued reading but not before directing towards my next exercise.

"A thousand squats." I nodded and started. At first i'd tried to fight Sage on my training but he'd given me some intense lessons on my healing ability. Basically he broke every single bone in my body, slowly, one by one. Now I just did whatever he wanted, and it was great. Though my training was hell I loved the feel of training, of learning how to fight. I was a natural born fighter. I craved the knowledge of how to move my body, of how to live, of that piece of madness that seems to have developed in my mind.

Master stood up and stretched his arm over his head and he said,

"You can stop. Iv decided on giving you a task." I blinked and nodded and stopped squatting. Waving His hand he motioned towards the wooden practice sword and said,

"Bring that." I nodded and I followed Master Sage. We walked for a while until we came upon a ravine that I hadn't seen before in my previous hikes. I could hear roars coming from far off. Master grinned and walked up next to me and said,

"A week." I blinked na felt his hand on my back, pushing me of the edge and into the revien. Letting out a shout of surprised I cursed loudly at master as I fell. Hitting the forest floor I rolled once and popped up to my feet. Only to find myself face to face with a huge gaping mouth. To be exact the mouth of a giant snake. Letting out a yell I slept backwards barely dodging the snap of sharp teeth, only to find myself backed up against a wall. Holding my breath I ducked underneath the snakes mouth and barely missed another snap of its jaws. Huffing I looked around wildly and saw where id dropped the sword in my fall. Running over I picked it up and turned to see the snake coming towards me. Brandishing the sword I took a deep breath and dug my foot into the earth and pushed off with all of my strength. I was surprised at how slow the snake was. Master was way faster then this snake. Weren't snakes supposed to be fast? Raising my sword I simply chopped off its head. To my surprise the wooden sword slide thru the flesh like a hot knife threw cheese. Stopping I almost ran into the raevien wall. Turning back I blinke dna d looked form my sword to the chopped of snake head. What the hell! Walking over I looked at the snake and couldn't help but sigh in exasperation. What was I gonna do with this. Walking to the front I pried open its mouth and looked inside. I was gonna take a fang but I saw purple liquid dripping from them and decided not to touch them. Thou it wouldn't be able to kill me I still wasn't a fan of poisoning myself for a stupid tooth. With nothing else to do I turned and walked away. I have to find a place to sleep tonight. Even if I escaped this hell pit and I returned master would just toss me back in here knowing him. Walking for a bit I was surprised at how big the revien was. Seeing a big tree I walked over to it and climbed up to the top and observed the area around me. The ravine was at its narrowest here and spread out for a few dozen miles. Dropping down I began to walk. If I want to rest I'll just sleep in a tree. I still have most of the day to figure this out. I came across several smaller monster which I had seen before and killed the ones who had attacked me and left the ones alone who hadn't.

I was getting hungry because I hadn't eaten anything. Looking around I shrugged and picked some purplish berries from a bug and popped them into my mouth. Immediately I felt sick and immediately dropped to one foot. Using my power I healed myself and blinked. I hadn't noticed that my nose had been dripping blood onto my shirt. Wiping it away I let out a sigh and realised I had no extra clothes. There was no water nearby that I had seen so I couldn't wash it out. I didn't like being dirty. Letting out a sigh I realised I was still hungry. My body demanded a very large amount of food every day. Though my energy was replenishing it couldn't keep replenishing from nothing. Could I eat the snake? Even if the meat was poisoned I could heal myself and I would be fine. Nodding I backtracked to the snake corpse. It was still there, looking around I realized had nothing to cook it with. Searching for a bit I came up with nothing and st next to the hunk of dead flesh. What the hell. No way am I eating raw flesh. I felt my stomach rumble and I groaned. I didn't want to eat more berries so flesh it was. What's the worst that could happen. Using a sharp rock that was on the ground I dug out a piece of flesh. It was a pinkish white and blue blood dripped from it. Sighing I brought up the raw meat to my lips. I hesitated for a few moments before my stomach grumbled again and I took a bite. It was heaven. The meat was succulent and tasty, it had a kind of indescribable flavor. In moment the piece of meat was gone and I was digging out another piece. I just kept eating and eating. My body felt so good my taste buds were in heaven. Suckign down a peice of meat I stopped myself. A very significant chunk of meat was missing. Letting out a burp I had a satisfied smile on my face. I had never eaten so much and something so tasty in my entire life. Ignoring everything around me I reached down and picked up the snake's body with one hand and tossed it over one shoulder. With the other I grabbed the snake head. And made my way to a small inlet along the raven wall i'd seen while I was searching for something to lite the fire with. It was just big enough to fit me and the snake circus. This will have to be my base camp. Looking around I realized how exposed I was. I don't mind if monsters came to attack me but I didn't like the wind and what if it rained or something like that. Leaving my inlet I Searched for a while until I found a fallen tree. Lifting it up on a shoulder I smiled and made my way back. This tree was newly fallen and was still covered in thick foliage. Placing it across the south side of the inlet I slipped inside and using my sword, I broke off the branches that are sticking in and used them to patch up the thin spots. Grinning to myself I could see the sun descending in the sky. Patting the snake head I said,

"You know, your really tasty." Just then I heard a weird clicking noise. It didn't seem to have a beginning or an end. Getting up from where I was sitting I peeked through the tree branches and almost died from fear. I watched as a giant monster passed by us. Each one of its legs were as high as I was tall and there were a hundred of them. A hundred ugly legs attached to a long body, and two long and ugly red feelers at the front of the centipede and two extra long ones at the back were disgusting. I hate centipedes! I can deal with any other type of bug, from spiders and roaches to wasps and bees. But I can't do Centipedes or millipedes. Ugly disgusting insects. And the one in front of me was so big I could comfortably walk underneath it. It felt like my soul had left me. And then the thing started to breath fire.


It had been a week since I pushed my disciple into the revien. Walking along the path I looked down into the revien. It hadn't been long after I had put him in there had huge waves of smoak started billowing from it. Looking down into the blazing pit of blood and gore I smiled. MY purple was sitting there and was covered in blood and other liquids. He used his hands to tear apart the flesh of the monsters and devour it. Good, good. He will hate me but I want his hatred, it will make him stronger. Leaping down into the revien I watched as he twirled around with his sword on the reddy a feral look in his eyes. SMiling broadly I said,

"Your perfect." He growled at me and I watched as his eyes narrowed and then he lept at me with his wooden sword. He wasn't in control and just knew how to fight. As he approached I didn't dodge like I usually would but instead drew my sword and slashed the wooden sword in two, right down its center. HE stopped and just stared at the useless thing in his hand. Siling I stepped forward and delivered a strong chop to his neck. He dropped like a bag of rocks. Looking around I waved my hand and all the uneaten corpses were sucked into my special ring. Coffing twice I felt my body tremble in weakness, my sickness was catching up with me.

Returning home I set him down and waited. He woke up and he was in his right mind. Blinking googly He sai,

"Master?" I grinned and asked,

"So tell me what happened?" He blinked and massaged his head and said,

"I killed a snake and then a giant fire spewing centipede. And then thousands of smaller centipedes tried to eat me and...and I went crazy. I just needed to kill them all. And and Master I think I've done something terribly wrong" I blinked and asked,

"Oh, What's that?" He gulped nervously and said,

"I...I ate there flesh. I just had a desire to eat there flesh after the first bite of the snake. My appetite was never ending." Smiling at him I explained,

"You likely hate your master. I am not training you to be a regular warrior, you will be one of the grim reapers of this land, a black dragon of death. Master has been feeding you monster souls everyday while ou train and you've acquired a hunger for the taste of death. Young monsters, before they've condensed there cores, store there energy in their whole body, that's why you wanted to eat there flesh. But Monster cores are delicious, like a wonderful aged wine. Since you've consumed such large quantities at once you progressed a lot more than I hoped. Your at the carniviousas stage." He just stood there with his mouth open and I pushed the cup of coffee towards him and said,

""Drink it all." He blind and nodded and brought it near his face and I watched in delight as it turned green with disgust. He put down the coffee and said,

"Master I think i'm gonna be sick." I grinned wider and said,

"I'm just like you, I can't eat normal food. I can't drink normal things. But I trained myself to drink coffee because it reminded me of my humanity, better, dark and disgusting. I came to love coffee. I also have great self control and can down normal meals but that took man years." Suddenly The idiot snapps out of his trance and shouted at me,

"Why! Why did you do this to me?!" I grinned and said,

"Yes hate me, resent me. Your life is only going to be wore. Now that you've progressed you to this stage the real work can begin." HIs face paled and he was about to speech but I said,

"Shut up. You must hate me now because I will put you threw hell. You thought your last weak was bad, compared to your new life it will be paradise." His eyes widened and I said,

"I'll teach you a new sword technique and then I want you to go into the forest and kill ten monsters with it within the hour and bring them back to eat." His eyes widened and he then smiled and said loudly,

"Yes master Sage!" Following me outside I drew my sword and sucked in breath and then performed the first step of the thousand flower dance. The sword arced and sliced threw the air. Blades of wind cut the earth and plants around us. If I performedit with force instead of just demonstrating I would be able to slice a casam into the ground, and cut the clouds in the sky.