
Another death

My name is Faith Clark and I didn't think that I would die like this, in the beginning, I always thought that I would die in some ditch alone no one knows who I am or care about me but I did not think that my life would turn like this.

My parents, I thought that they were the worst kind but there some other people that worse than them but after I know that I would not be able to think of them other than one beat me up whenever he gets angry and another one would do anything to protect him and making excuses, even when my dad would beat me up to almost to death my mom would not move an inch until he stops, then she came to rescue and to make sure that I would not do something stupid.

I always wanted to run away from home at the first chance that I could and when I got about fifteen years old, my dad took me to a place and told me that I can't be freeloading of him anymore and just put in some sketchy friends of his.

My work was to sell stuff like candy or flower while using my age to make people buy from me as much as possible, there were a lot of people that would give more than I ask and I would not tell my dad's friend about hoping that I would be able to save up some money to run away.

when I was a kid I did not know why but when I started to work with my father's friend he hit only one time and when his friend saw me he did not let me work and with me to my father and they talked, after that my dad did not hit at all only recently I figured out why did that happen and it was because it would be bad for if someone saw me and report it to the police or something like that but I do not care that much about it anymore.

After enough money, I ran away without a second thought about it and I can't say it was the best that I can have but at least for me it was better than home, I tried to get a teaching degree at first it was for helping me to find stable income but then I fell in love with my job and with kids that I hoped that I helped.

One of the things that I hated about my parents that they made it look like that they are good people even after what they did and they would always force me to go with them to pray to the god that they believed in even though they would not do anything from the book that they believed in and because of that I just do not find it in my heart to believe in any religion at all, I know not all religious people like them but still, I could not forget what happened to me because of them, also I could not be in relationship with anyone because of my childhood, I would always ask if there is really a god why would he or she let someone like them have a kid with them being like that I just could not think of any reason to why I was put in that situation.

And now I am dying I would only hope that I helped the kids in my class and they would grow up to be nice person that would be enough for me.