Lee's Frustration


Kyouko silently watched them by the side. She shed tears herself looking at her son who broke down earlier sleeping peacefully in Mei's embrace. She felt a little jealous especially seeing Kazuya's unusual attachment to Mei. She wondered if he would someday recover his memories of her but was scared that it was accompanied by bad ones since she was not able to discover his difficulties. One thing was for sure, her son totally regarded her assistant as an important part of his life and it may even compare to hers.

"Kyouko-san what do I do? Kazu loves me so much I won't be able to let go" Mei patted the sleeping boy's back.

"Stop gloating and get dressed!" Kyouko couldn't stand the smug smile on Mei's face.

"Shh! You'll wake him up" Mei carried him towards her bed but turned after a few seconds and stood in front of Kyouko instead.

"What do you think you're doing?" her eyebrows started twitching.

"Don't look at me like that. I can't put Kazu on the bed. Looks like he doesn't want to let his big sis go even in his sleep" This time she was serious and tried to get her boss to help.

Kyouko scoffed and tried to get Kazuya off of her but found that Mei had been telling the truth. She tried to gently take him, but he was holding onto Mei tightly. She thought to wake him but she couldn't bear to. She tried using more strength but it was no use.

"Hold him properly. I'll help you get some pants on. How much more do you need to pack?"

"Just a few more boxes? Kazu finished most of what needed to be arranged in my room"

"Then I'll get some help. You're going to be moving today" Kyouko made up her mind. She wanted to make her son happy and if Mei could help recover his memories, then it would be good if she moved in earlier.

"Eeeh? Today all of a sudden?"

"You've already gone through the process of changing your address so what's the problem? I lent you a car to help you speed things up" she crossed her arms before continuing. "Now we have two and with granny's help we're going to have three so there's no problem in moving today" Kyouko left the room and made a call. It didn't take too long before Fujiyama came along with her two granddaughters. Kyouko told her what happened and why she had called for them suddenly.

"I can't believe what the young master had to go through even in his own home. I feel ashamed"

"Why is the young master clinging to a half-naked Mei-san?" the younger of the two asked.

"You shouldn't blame yourself too much granny. The young master has changed for the better" The elder comforted her grandmother who expressed her grief.

These were Fujiyama Yui and Yumi. Yumi is a Senior high school student and Yui, a 1st year middle school student both studying in Sacred Forest Academy. They lived in the dorms but help their grandmother with chores in the Kouzuki household at times.

"You girls get yourselves busy and help Kazano-sama with her things. She will be taking residence in the household, so you must address her correctly" Fujiyama reminded them. As the person in charge of the household after the owners, she wouldn't let anyone, even her granddaughters act out of decorum while she was still around.

"Before we do granny, I think I should report this since you told me to keep an eye on that Lee guy" all of them turned to Yui interested on what she had to say. Lee was identified as the cause of all the recent things that have gone wrong with the Kouzuki household so they couldn't help but be interested in what she had to say.

"Speak. What is that animal up to now" Fujiyama wasted no time and let her granddaughter speak.

"He didn't change all that much after the truth about him was revealed which I found a little strange. That guy probably didn't want anyone to know that he was in deep trouble but he started acting strangely two days ago"

"Two days ago… that's when the young master started attending the same school"

"Yes. He saw the young master going home with Shiroyuki Jirou-sama and his granddaughter and immediately changed. He now stares at the elementary school department and shows an enraged expression every now and then. Today he even hit the wall to vent his frustration" Yui recounted what she saw earlier.

"That can't be a coincidence now can it?" This time Kyouko was the one who reacted.

"I thought so as well so I looked into the direction he was staring at and tried to confirm. It was clearly the young master together with the Shiroyuki girl he was glaring at from what I could see"

"Than you for your report Yui. I'll go and talk to grandpa Jirou over the phone" Kyouko stepped aside and used her cellphone to contact Jirou.

Kyouko was alarmed. Clearly what she just found out scared her. Clearly Lee's deeds have been revealed so he wanted to take revenge on the boy who told on him. She agreed to let Jirou pick him up along with Tomoyo because he would be able to protect him if anything happened, so he had to be informed in case that little snake planned something.

Kazuya would have been thrilled if he were awake to hear the current development. He had successfully painted Lee as the villain and shifted all the suspicions. His original intention had just been to make him shoulder the cause his sudden 'amnesia' but it now changed because of his new-found resolve. He wanted to get rid of as many variables as possible to ensure that the future of everyone he cared for was different from the one he knew.


Meanwhile in an alleyway near the Sacred Forest Academy, the boy who had lately been involved in a series of bad luck vented his frustrations in secret.

"Damnit!" Lee cursed.

He lost most of his matches on the first day of selecting the regulars for the upcoming kendo tournament. He had been under a lot of pressure ever since Kyouko had cut ties with him and informed the family of what he had 'apparently' done. He was confused and felt wronged since he had not done any of the things Kazuya said he's done.

Lee blamed Kazuya for everything bad that was happening to him. He originally thought that he was just some dumb kid who got lucky by being born into a good family. Kazuya had something that he did not and had a better standing than him so he decided to make good use of it. He treated him quite good and thought of it as planting a seed to be harvested in the future. Lee did not expect the dumb kid he used and looked down on to suddenly turn the tables on him before the time was ripe.

His hostility was caused by a small incident that involved Kazuno Mei. Lee had a crush on her from the first time they met but she would remain cold to everyone which frustrated him. It wasn't until he arrived at the Kouzuki household one day that he coincidentally saw another side of her that he couldn't even imagine existed.

She was chasing after Kazuya who was afraid of her. Mei wore a smile which was exclusively meant for that unworthy little brother of his. He viewed himself as someone better than Kazuya and vowed to someday take away everything that Kazuya did not deserve. He was confident that the dumb kid wouldn't even know what he was up to.

That all changed when he heard that Kazuya was taken to the hospital suddenly. He wasn't really concerned but after hearing that Kyouko and her assistant had holed themselves up in Kazuya's hospital room. Getting a chance to interact with Kazuno Mei was rare so he immediately took the chance to make her remember him this time. His expectations were high but reality had a way of throwing curve balls and it was a very sudden one.

It all went downhill for him as soon as he entered the room. The boy he looked upon claimed to have had amnesia and said all sorts of lies to frame him for being the cause of this incident. To top it all off, Kazuya had portrayed himself as the victim of abuse that was apparently done by him continuously in the past. No amount of reasoning could persuade Kyouko after that. Like a protective mother, she had taken the side of her own biological son without even giving him the chance to explain.

This frustrated Lee even more. He patiently had to deal with that dumb kid and before he could reap any benefits, he came without anything to gain for it. He even invoked the enmity of the girl he had his eye on. Even the members of the family who adopted him had started to avoid him after Kyouko took it to the next level and complained to them. All of it was caused by the person who he saw as nothing but an ant.

That same person appeared before him again and it was at the only place where he could be at peace. It was at this school that everyone still viewed and treated him not as a culprit but a good honor student with great potential. Yet here he was after getting mocked by the kid who started it all and knew the truth about his innocence.

"It's all his fault!" he kicked a dumpster in frustration.

"What is all whose fault? Who is it that is making our dear model student curse alone in an alley?"

A young man wearing an unbuttoned Sacred Forest Academy middle school uniform approached Lee. He had a different atmosphere from Lee with his long and unkept hair. He was accompanied by two rough looking people standing behind him.

"You're late" Lee told him off.

"You didn't answer my question. Who is it that you're willing to risk being seen with me?" the young man persisted.

"Don't mess with me Kuuga. I'm already in a bad mood. Can you handle teaching a kid in the elementary school department a lesson or not?" he was already in a bad mood and the boy he referred to as Kuuga was not helping.

"Details my friend. I need details. The corresponding price will be determined after I hear the information you have on the target"

"A kid who recently transferred to the elementary school department Class 2-B his name is Kouzuki Kazuya. I don't want it being linked to me because that kid already wrongly accused me of sending him to the hospital so take extra precaution"

"Him being able to frame someone as devious as you intrigues me. That extra precaution is going to cost you more you know" he warned.

"I don't care. You know I'm good for it" Lee didn't care how he did it but he wanted Kazuya to suffer.

"Fine. I'll give you a little bit of service since you're a repeat customer. I have to say though, I've taken care of a lot of people that stood in the way on your path of fame so taking care of someone not on that path makes me wonder what he did to affect you this way"

"It's none of your business. Just take care of it"

"Fine. Is there anything else I need to know?"

"That kid hangs around with a mute girl in the same class. It would be best if you don't mess with her since that girl is strong"

"Strong?" Kuuga's eyebrow raised. "Stronger than me?" He raised a fist as if wanting a fight.

"If she held a sword then maybe. Don't stir trouble with her if you don't want a monster to hunt you down"

"Oh? That first grader who got 3rd place in the national championship for kendo?"

"You know her?"

"I keep tabs on strong people that show up in the academy"

"You're crazy as usual. She's the successor of the Shiroyuki Dojo so don't dig your own grave. Even your background is not enough to shield you from that crazy old man so don't risk it. Contact me once you settle on a price"

"Alright. It's nice to be doing business with you again. I thought we wouldn't do this until exam season but it's always nice to have extra income"

Lee ignored him and exited the alley. He was still in a bad mood but he felt a bit better after Kuuga accepted the job. This was not their first collaboration so he knew he could trust the way he did things. He couldn't wait for Kazuya to get what's coming to him and even planned on letting Kuuga do it again if he wasn't satisfied.

"Just you wait Kazuya. Since you've made me into a villain then don't blame me for acting like one"