Not The Right Time


The name [SummerBreeze] was legendary by the time Kazuya got to know a lot of people in the game. This was because the player behind SummerBreeze made it big by creating the system that allows a person to give specific commands by using their thoughts. This technology was instantly fought over by various companies but in the end, it was Stockton International that was able to sign him.

Unlike Matsumoto Kipperi otherwise known as Void Android, Natsuhisa Akira got known at a young age after he presented his invention at a technological expo. Only Stockton International agreed to his request of being able to freely work on the stuff he was interested in and he did not disappoint anyone with the inventions he came up with.

The names Void Android and SummerBreeze were famous in Kazuya's previous life as they competed with one another. He hoped to being these two together so both of them could develop various technologies together so he was searching for SummerBreeze as hard as he could but could find no trace of him until now.

[Winter Fog: You really found him?]

[Autumn Mist: Of course! I even helped him with a few quests since he seemed so clueless]

[Winter Fog: Introduce me]

In New Gods Online, people can have the same name in the game. Each character is given a tag that is usually invisible until one accepts a person's friend or guild request. This made people able to freely choose the names they preferred without any worries of having to think of a new one if the name had been taken.

[Autumn Mist: Nope! You have to let me hear you play a song first]

[Winter Fog: But I just told you I don't have any instruments]

[Autumn Mist: Fine! I can introduce you but you have to promise to send me one before the year ends]

This was when an idea popped up in his mind. He was thinking of what other things he could do with Mei on their trip tomorrow. This gave him the idea of killing two birds with one stone.

[Void Android: Wait! What about us? We want to hear it too!]

[Winter Fog: Fine… I'll do it on the raid channel. BUT! I will not listen to all those who complain if they miss it since I'll be asking a place to let me borrow their equipment]

He told them the time he was most likely going online to put up with this strange condition. The most important part was him getting introduced to SummerBreeze. It would be great to establish a connection with him while he was still a student because he became famous just after Kazuya had graduated from middle school in his previous life.

[Winter Fog: Take it or leave it. I'll look for him on my own if I have to]

Kazuya didn't want this friend of his to take complete advantage of him in front of his employees so he put up a front. He really didn't want to do it but he was confident that she would concede.

[Autumn Mist: Okay… I think I'll make myself free during those times]

[Winter Fog: When are you going to introduce me?]

[Autumn Mist: He's online right now. I'll go and ask]

Kazuya's character inside the game didn't show it but he was nervous. He wasn't able to discover what happened to SummerBreeze because he was summoned to Edea but in just a year after he joined Stockton International, his name became known worldwide. The scale of their company's development speed will depend on whether he will be successful in making a good connection towards this person.

[Autumn Mist: He said he's free so we can meet him in town]

They went to the town's tavern and Kazuya finally saw the familiar character he had only seen in the forums. He still wasn't wearing the signature armors he was famous for but he could tell that the character was definitely created with the utmost attention to detail. There wasn't a single preset that could be found and with his memory, he was confident of his assumption.

[Autumn Mist: Heya Summer! This is the guy I've been talking to you about. Our names are kind of a set so we only need to find someone nice with Spring in their name to complete it]

[SummerBreeze: Wow… I never really believed that you knew THE Winter Fog but it was true…]

[Autumn Mist: Hey! That's rude! I told you I would introduce you, didn't I?]

[SummerBreeze: But even though you're a member of 'Midnight Wanderer', who knows what kind of position you hold right?]

[Winter Fog: I'm surprised you actually know who I am]

[SummerBreeze: Are you trying to be humble?]

[Winter Fog: I don't think so. I just created a small guild for people I get along with. I don't even PVP so I don't think I should be well known]

[SummerBreeze: Are you serious!? Dude, even though you don't PVP, has anyone been successful in PK-ing you?]

[Winter Fog: No. I try to keep myself in safe zones whenever I'm not doing anything with the guild. I just leave my character crafting]

[SummerBreeze: You don't visit the forums, right?]

[Winter Fog: Barely, I'd rather play with everyone else and my day is pretty packed enough as it is]

Kazuya had all the knowledge he needed about the game until there were various other games released so he didn't see the need to visit the forums like he usually did in his previous life for information. The only times he stopped by was to look for any signs of the targets he was looking for.

Summer explained quite thoroughly how extensive his popularity had been with the players. It turned out that those players who were frequent PVP arena players were always taunted by the forum trolls to try their hand at 'Winter Fog'. Unfortunately for him, this only increased his character's popularity.

"(Looks like I might have to create a more subtle character whenever I don't need to use my main one)" he thought.

He spent some time with Summer to get to know him better. He was indeed a curious mind and liked to piece together puzzles. He wondered if this person really was Natsuhisa Akira because there were no signs of him being interested or even mentioning his previous theories despite the obvious hints he threw around.

This was quite a common thing in online games. Account sharing is frowned upon by multiple people because of the risks it involved when it came to digital riches. Account selling was also a common thing especially to people who decide to move on to another game or simply quit. They would either give away their accounts or give them to acquaintances so that their work and time spent on the game will not be completely wasted.

"(Maybe he still hasn't gotten to that point yet I wonder)" Kazuya decided not to push it further. He still had a lot of time to wait for this person but at the same time didn't want to alter the future by doing something that might change this person's course.

They spent some time doing quests and having fun with Summer until he excused himself. They decided to add each other as friends so that they can contact each other directly whenever they wanted.

[Autumn Mist: That's unusual. Why didn't you make him go to the interview to join the guild? From my point of view, you were really interested in that guy]

[Winter Fog: He's interesting but he's not quite there yet. Don't mess with him too much and let nature take its course. The time isn't ripe for him to join us yet]

[Autumn Mist: Whatever. I still found him so you have to remember your promise. I'll be expecting you to hold your end of the bargain tomorrow or I'm deleting you from my friend list]

[Winter Fog: I haven't broken a promise yet have I? Rest assured, I will make sure and deliver]

[Autumn Mist: Good! Missing some practice time tomorrow won't be a waste then]

[Winter Fog: You're just using me as an excuse to slack off. You're quite weird sometimes you know]

[Autumn Mist: That's not what you should say to a lady!]

[Winter Fog: Just my honest opinion. It's like I'm dealing with two people whenever I talk to you. The way you switch gears still baffles me]

He had a suspicion after spending some time with Autumn; although she was still different from the one in his memories, he can still feel the similarities between them at some point. Sometimes she would totally be careless and at other times she would be domineering like her old self.

Kazuya had almost already achieved everything he could in the game now that he met with Summer so the only reason for him to log on now was to talk to this nostalgic friend of his. Void Android was already handling all the guild affairs and they had little time left before they started working. He was no longer pressured to log on with a specific agenda in mind.

[Autumn Mist: Why did you suddenly go quiet? Are you AFK?]

[Winter Mist: No, I was wondering if it was time for me to slow down. I really didn't start playing this game to gain fame. I'll probably decide to take it easy one of these days]

[Autumn Mist: As long as you can keep up with me I don't care. You were the one who made me stay in the game despite my intention of only trying it out on the first day. I would have quit the game if that scammer got his way you know]

[Winter Fog: That shouldn't be a problem. I can just stay in the private areas and become a character more focused on crafting]

The two of them chatted for a while before calling it a day. Kazuya went back to his room to find Mei sleeping soundly on his bed. He felt a bit guilty for increasing her workload especially since she had to hide it from Kyouko.

The times she had to work on their company was limited and this was one of the reasons why he convinced Matsuri into joining their team. So far, her role in supporting Mei had been going smoothly. The high regard Mei had for her was for naught but Kazuya was still left unsatisfied. He wanted his big sis to be able to work freely like Kyouko did.

He told Mei that he didn't mind if the establishment was delayed. Kazuya would rather delay the process than seeing her pushing herself, but he told her that it would only last until they got the company up and running.

"Really… such a workaholic… (You don't have to support me in this life you know)" he sighed and took a look at the leftover paperwork on the desk.

There were various issues about the budget. They both decided to not skimp on the necessities because they had to show the employees that they wouldn't regret signing such a strict contract. Kazuya already got the lottery ticket for the end of the year lottery which was the biggest and last lottery he would need to enter.

"Hmm?" he felt Kyouko's presence slowly coming towards his room.

He quietly stepped out of his room to meet her halfway. Mei was already sleeping soundly and he didn't want Kyouko to quarrel with her for making herself at home in his room again.

"Kazuya? Why are you still up?"

"I was going to see if we still had some pudding in the kitchen"

"Is Mei in your room again?" she was already used to her son spoiling her assistant so she saw through him right away. "You really should stop letting her be too selfish. What you did wasn't your fault and Mei thinks so too"

"It's not that at all mom. I know you and big sis have been working hard so I want to do what I can to help" he honestly replied. Even though it may seem like he favored Mei more, her only advantage was that she acted more selfish than Kyouko when it came to himself.

"I know that. Even though you've changed I'm still your mother you know" She led him to the kitchen and retrieved pudding for both of them. "So, does that mean that I can sometimes come and sleep with you too?"

"If you want to"

"Hehe, I'm glad to hear that. You used to come to my room all the time and sleep with me you know" she giggled. Mei's position in her son's mind didn't seem to differ much from her at all.

"Do you want me to? I can give you the massage you like so much too" this was a good opportunity. Ever since Mei moved to the Kouzuki household, his chances of enhancing his mother's constitution was significantly lessened.

Kazuya knew that he only had a limited time before his interactions with both ladies would change. He was still in a child's body so it wasn't strange that he slept on the same bed as them but once he reached a certain age, it would be strange for him to keep doing what he has been right now.

"Really?" Kyouko's eyes lit up. Even though both ladies were unable to perceive mana or even know it's existence, both of them have already started noticing the differences whenever they were in a place with high mana concentration.

They proceeded to her room after spending some quality time together. They had a lot of time to spend together because Mei was busy dealing with things she wasn't aware of. This was mainly the cause of concern. Kyouko knew that Mei was hiding something but didn't want to pry too much since she suspected her son might be in on it.

Whatever it was, since Kazuya had a hand in it then it wouldn't be anything bad. Her only concern was if her son was being inconvenienced by her assistant especially since the national tournament he was participating in was very close.

"Hey mom" Kazuya continued his massage and decided to speak.

"What is it?" Ever since she experienced Kazuya's therapy, she hardly ever visited her usual relaxation areas and just headed straight home. He would always happily oblige to her requests and unlike the places she frequented, the results were almost instant.

"Tell me if something is bothering you okay?" Even though he already said it a few times, he still felt that his mother hid things from him. This was obvious especially when it came to matters regarding the Kuroganes. He was curious about his father ever since he met her but it wasn't to the point that he wanted or needed to know.

Judging by his mother's reaction, he knew that it was a sensitive topic. The curiosity Kazuya held towards the Kuroganes were more inclined towards their capabilities and history with the Kouzukis because he wanted to make sure what to expect especially when it came to psychological attacks.

"I will but… Kazuya, you have to understand mom's point of view too you know" she looked directly at his eyes to show her sincerity. "I know that you care for me and want to protect me but that goes for me too. I don't want you involving yourself in adult matters. I want you to enjoy your childhood and put these concerns at the back of your mind because your mom can handle it"

"I really don't care about who my father is or what capabilities their family has. All I want is to stay here with you, big sis and granny. I won't let them ruin our family. I will do whatever it takes to do so" he held back saying that he would bring the Kuroganes down.

"I'm glad to hear that" she was touched but felt a hint of guilt. Her son had really changed and was maturing by the day. She would be lying if she said she didn't like it but she couldn't help but miss the sweet child that innocently played in their house without a care.

"Thank you, Kazuya. I still want to be able to hold my boy and make a lot more fun memories in exchange for those you've lost so don't grow up too quickly, okay?"
