

"Are you sure big sis?" Kazuya appeared calm but murderous intention kept leaking out of his body. he already thought about this but didn't think they would go as far as causing an accident to get rid of him who supposedly had Kurogane blood in him as well.

"It's just a conjecture. I may be biased but I wouldn't doubt if you told me that it was old geezer from the Kurogane's orchestrated it" Mei bitterly smiled. She already noticed the change in Kazuya's mood and was slightly startled.

"I see… I will keep that in mind for the future as well" he calmed down a little. It wasn't that he didn't believe Mei, it was that she had the most reliable opinion aside from Kyouko herself.

He wouldn't be able to tell his mother everything like he just did with Mei because he still didn't know how she would react. It would be good if Mei shared it with his mom of her own volition and he wouldn't take it against her but it was likely that they shared the same opinion about keeping her in the dark.

Either way, he would leave it up to Mei. Unlike everyone else around him, even though he cared a lot for Kyouko, he still hadn't quite gotten to know her as well as everyone did. Even though he was her son, the time he spent with her has been limited compared to everyone else he recognized. Mei who had been by her side longer should be able to judge more accurately if Kyouko needed to know or not.

"Kazu, now that you've told me this, there's something that's been bugging me…" Mei who had already calmed herself suddenly had a realization.

"Hmm? What is it big sis?" He tilted his head.

"About the investment funds… did the lottery numbers come from your dreams of the future as well?" Mei's eyes stayed on his. This was how she would usually look at him if she wanted to tell if he was hiding something. This hasn't changed from his previous life.

"Errr…" Kazuya was caught off guard at the sudden change of topic. Moreover, it was such a topic.

"Your reaction tells me what I need to know" Mei giggled. "It's still too early for you to try an keep things from your big sis" she triumphantly smiled.

"It's not that accurate at all big sis. The lottery numbers have already varied after I won the first time" he decided to come clean. She was trying to confirm the accuracy of his dream and immediately caught the right method to do so.

"But the remaining money for investment will come from the year end lottery right?"

"Correct. How did you know?" he was puzzled. She had just confirmed how he did it but immediately uncovered his next plan.

"It's simple really. You already showed me where the first investment came from. After hearing what you just told me, it would be the easiest way to get a big amount of money without Kyouko ever finding out"

"But didn't I just say that the numbers from my dream aren't that accurate?"

"That's only because since you've won in the Lucky 7 lottery, history changed. It's only one of the few lotteries we have but the biggest is still the year end lottery. It shouldn't be affected by that"

"You're really amazing big sis" her analysis was very close to his. He couldn't help but admire her more. The Mei he knew from back then was quite the unrestrained slob at home but seeing her working and having discussions like this with her thoroughly impressed him.

"Hehe~ yes, you're big sis is amazing" she was trying to hide the embarrassment she felt. It felt weird that she was affected by someone as young as him but after learning what she already did, her perspective of Kazuya already changed to the point that she herself hadn't realized yet.

"Although I'm confident, there still isn't a hundred percent guarantee that everything will go as my dream did so please don't expect too much" Kazuya wanted to make this clear because he himself didn't want to count on something that could be determined randomly.

"You have a back-up plan in case it doesn't work?" she was surprised. She already thought about it in her head and the current plans they had for the company involved spending a lot more than Kazuya's initial winnings especially when it came to the equipment they needed.

"Of course I do. Although I would like to avoid it, it should be another easy way to get money. Although it would be a lot slower than winning the lottery, it's an easy way to earn quick cash" he grinned.

"Don't tell me you…" after thinking about it for a bit, she realized what he meant after all the hints he had already given.

"It's not a sure thing yet so please rest assured and leave it to me for now" he smiled.

Both of them thought of the same thing and it was 'gambling'. With his knowledge of the future being proven accurate by winning the lottery, even if he only remembered the results of outcomes of major games, betting on them could only be seen by winning smartly.

It was slower than winning the year end lottery but if the effects of him winning the weekly lottery already changed the course of the other lotteries then they both believed that switching to another matter would provide them with a better chance of success.

After finishing the samples given to them, they once again talked to the manager and decided to book the place for the gathering. They picked out the food as well since Mei was impressed by the both the price and quality. It was good business for restaurant and Kazuya was glad that he was able to successfully help his old boss and workplace.

Mei decided to stay for a little while longer and ordered coffee for the both of them. She had another thought that she wanted to discuss with Kazuya now that she already found out what he was hiding.

"Kazu… I know that you've changed a lot because of that dream and although it seems you have a handle on it I think I should tell you something…" Mei appeared both nervous and serious at the same time. She was still hesitant but she decided to talk anyway.

"Hmm?" He had no idea what Mei was going to say. Seeing her anxious was a rare sight so she got his full attention.

"Your dream… or should I say vision seems to be accurate but I don't want you to be consumed by it" She looked straight in his eyes and could see the calm boy being a bit shaken.


"I can tell from your confidence that you believe that the future you saw as definitely accurate and I agree with you in some aspects but I don't want what you've seen to define you as a person you will turn out to be.

The future you saw was already determined but this is not that place. I want you to understand that it's not only you who care about us. We also care about you. Now that I've found out about this, a lot of questions I've been thinking about have been answered but some worries also arise"

"Big sis…" Kazuya was speechless.

"Seeing you become this mature and composed gives me relief that you can become whatever you put your mind into but I also think that you are losing out. Unlike your old self, you smile a lot less and although you still smile, we can definitely tell that it isn't a genuine one" she spoke from experience.

"I see… a genuine smile huh…" he pondered but still listened intently.

Kazuya had mixed feelings. He was happy to find out that they cared this much about him but also a little frustrated and guilty since he never thought that he was that easy to read. He always thought that he was the one always trying to let them feel reassured so it was a surprise to learn that it went both ways.

"You may not like hearing it but the fact still remains that you're a six-year-old. Don't push yourself too much and you can leave some of the work which is supposed to be for us adults. Like you want us to be safe, we also want you to enjoy your childhood because you have plenty of time to think about the complicated matters of adults in the future.

To be honest, Kyouko and I have been consulting with different specialists about your behavior. Although we turn a blind eye to your changes after the incident, we are still concerned"

"Am I really that easy to read?" he felt his confidence falling.

"Yes" like shooting an arrow without hesitation, she replied with a smile.

"ugh…" Kazuya frowned.

"It's not only because me and Kyouko know you well. Our assumptions are just more accurate because of that. We may not be able to read exactly what you are thinking but reading your emotions are as easy as reading a book"

"My emotions…"

"You project how you feel in your expression. Although at times, you hold back when you're angry, the presence or aura you release makes it easier to determine. To be honest, I was quite surprised when you showed that much hostility to that bastard Lee but after hearing your story, I understood why you held that much resentment hehe~" she giggled since she was the reason why Kazuya was like that.

Kazuya felt a little guilty. Mei didn't question the stories he made up about Lee when he made up the excuse when he entered her apartment. He could tell that she didn't doubt him even after learning about his secret.

However, despite what he felt, Mei brought up a problem that he needed to address. He would put himself in a lot of danger of those old and experienced officials in both the church and kingdom read his intentions. He wasn't able to notice it because he wasn't able to observe himself but he knew that Mei was right.

There were times that he knew that he was angry or didn't care if he leaked out his bloodlust. He was confident that there weren't many who could sense it in this world anyway but after hearing Mei's opinion, he knew that there needed to be changes.

If those who didn't have that much sensitivity to mana could tell what he was feeling, then what of the people in Edea? Those politicians who spent their whole lives fighting for their power would definitely be able to read him like an open book. His revenge would be over even before it started if that were the case.

"(Looks like becoming stronger is no longer the only thing I need to focus on)" he bitterly smiled to himself.


Kazuya's phone vibrated after receiving a message. He decided to put off the matter after reading the message from Kyouko that reminded him of today's agenda. He glanced at the time and realized that he and Mei have been staying in the restaurant for quite a while.

"Is it Kyouko?" Mei inquired with a frown. She knew that the overprotective son-con would disturb the quality time they had together.

"Yeah" Kazuya quickly replied with a message. "I told mom that we still needed to stop over one more place before we go home"

"Great! Our date continu…" Mei stopped as she felt her face heating up. She teased Kyouko about this without any problems so why was she reacting like this now?

"Big sis?" Kazuya wondered if she was feeling okay since she's been acting a little weirdly. He reached for her hand to check the flow of mana in her body for any abnormalities.

"!!" Kazuya's sudden action paralyzed Mei as she stared at the boy who had his eyes closed while holding her hand.

"(Hmm… Aside from the accelerated heartbeat I can't find anything wrong… was it the food?)" he slowly opened his eyes to find Mei staring at him. "Are you okay big sis?" he asked innocently.

"I-I'm fine! I was just curious about where we are going to next that's all" she pulled back her hand and calmed down.

"How about the look-out park?"

"In this cold weather?"

"It should be fine as long as we don't stay there after the sun goes down. Besides, it should be my first date so I don't think going by the book is too bad right?" Kazuya felt a little embarrassed but said it anyway.

Mei stayed silent and tried to hide her raging heartbeat. She silently walked with him back to her car and drove to their next destination. Each of them had their own things to think about.

They arrived and looked at the sky. The sun was almost setting so Kazuya pulled her along so that thye could make it to the look-out point. He was quite familiar with this place since this was the place where he went to after Mei had left him in his previous life.

Today, he brought her here on her birthday. He wanted to ease the tears he shed in this place and look upon the view with her in joy rather than in pain. Kazuya didn't expect telling Mei everything but he was glad that he did. This was why he looked forward to coming here with her more than ever.

The moment they reached the top, Mei gasped. A few tents were set up and familiar faces welcomed them. A banner that couldn't be covered by the smoke of grilling entered her eyes. Everyone lined up and said what had been written on the banner.

"[Happy Birthday Mei]"

"I've been tricked…" Mei said with teary eyes. She didn't think she would be crying again so soon.

She glanced towards Kazuya who smiled back at her. She didn't expect a surprise party nor had she experienced one before. She declared that she could read Kazuya like an open book but failed to guess something like this would happen.

"Did you think I would simply let you take my Kazuya without a reason?" Kyouko showed up behind them with a triumphant smile.

"Say what you will Kyouko but the fact of the matter is, I already received Kazu's first date" she wiped her tears and confidently retorted.

"I already took that ages ago! We go on dates almost every week!"

"Hmph! You don't count since you're his mother. You don't know something that simple you son-con?" she mocked and pulled Kazuya over to the tents to meet with the rest of the group.

Kazuya felt relieved. Seeing Mei genuinely happy was like a reward for him. This was what he wanted for her and hoped that it would never change. He looked over the sunset view and found her old apartment that he always stared at when he was here back in his first life.
