Afterword/ Q&A


Hello everyone! Your friendly internet Author-san here! If you're reading this then I would like to thank you for successfully making it to the end of Volume 1. This is my very first finished volume in a web novel format so… Yay~ me!

I would like to thank the people who've helped me develop the story and those who pointed out the errors I've made while doing this. Writing has been a fun, stressful, enlightening and other myriad of emotional experiences that I'm forgetting to mention.

I also would like to apologize for the late releases at times. I sometimes forget to check if the chapters I've set for autorelease do come out. There was this one time that I needed to remake a chapter because it poofed when I clearly set it to be posted.

Of course, I would like to give special thanks to the patrons who've reached out to me and went an extra mile. Hopefully, one day, I can just devote myself to writing interesting stories. Thanks again!

Now then, to the Q/A portion.

I apologize for the questions that won't be included here by the time I post this. I want to be able to focus on creating Volume 2 so please do forgive me if I miss your concern. You can always try to ask them on Volume 2 if it doesn't get answered by then!

Please be reminded that I would have to refrain from answering anything that would have anything to do with spoilers but I will try my bestest!


Thot Slayer: Is this Inspired by revenge Isekai like NidoYuu or Arifu?

A: No, It's much older than that. A manga from Square Enix called Ubel Blatt got me hooked into the whole mystery revenge reincarnation genre and I added Isekai into the mix.


NineDeaths: Is he really an adult? (mentally speaking)

A: Not by my standards. You can probably already tell if you've made it this far. But he's like a manchild.


TheeUnkownSaint: So She's an evil girl? (Tomoyo)

A: No. She's a robot girl.


Ahjin: Is the robot girl the picture on your patreon.

A: if you mean the current banner then as of the time I'm answering this then it would indeed be one of the concept art for Tomoyo.


iamyoungMasterL: Did the mc become a woman hater now?

A: Somewhat


Bloo: When's he going to the other world!?!?

A: When it's time for him to get summoned.


TheeUnkownSaint: How big sis will react when she finds out the truth?

A: Please refer to Volume 1: Chapter 50


RabidHobo: Really, adult is censored?

A: It would appear so in the comments section. I had no idea until I saw this though.


RabidHobo: In what world does a medical professional and a parent listen to a 6 year old on whether he should go to a hospital or not?

A: Asia. Besides, Kyouko is a doting mother who is afraid of Kazuya hating her especially since he became an amnesiac who had no memories of her. As for the doctor, Kazuya already explained what he was up to (making gifts for them on a time limit whilst keeping up his current training regimen). He would have taken him to the hospital regardless of what he said if he found the need to treat him at a hospital. Home visits, home clinics are kind of a common thing here.


Twies: How do I join the novel's discord channel? What is there?

A: Download or get on discord and put this link on your browser []

People usually talk to me there and I put the artwork concepts or character designs there. People can also report typos or errors there and can reach me there the fastest.


GPIG: What is patreon? How to use?

A: Patreon is a site that lets you become a [Patron] to content creators and the like. It is not something that is required but if you do want to help out any creators out there to reach milestones or help them with what they need to bring you more content or simply just let them drop whatever life they had so they can concentrate more to creating their content.


Anone: I really don't understand what's going on. You wrote the main character at first as a good person who got betrayed, but then what's with his illogical maltreatment of the kurumu girl. He suspected they had history, but instead of knowing what was really going on he judged her and hurt her based on his stupid instinct. She's a five year old girl, and he should at lest by twenty even if he's in a kid's body. It make's him no different from the people who betrayed him, and to be honest it's pissing me off. I hope you can reply and give some sort of explanation at least. His manner of acting was completely illogical. Yet you're making the girl chase after him like some sort of lost puppy

A: First, a short recap. Kazuya was betrayed and stuck inside the replay. He returned to a blank part of his life and met Kurumi a short time after he got back. He of course hasn't even come to terms with his predicament and was still held up over the betrayal he experienced and witnessed multiple times. Being betrayed like that, how could it be easy to simply trust another person you barely even know. His memory dictates that she has been acting suspiciously around him but because of the effects of his recent "betrayal" he did not consider her intentions to be as noble as it would seem. Not to mention the way she made him suffer in his previous life. He merely didn't want Kurumi to bring troubles towards his way again because he already has so much on his plate. Hence, his cold treatment of her. Unlike his expectations, Kurumi still intends to connect with him. Take note, they only met that one time ever since he came back and they still haven't met again. It was only after a little while that he started to accept and gained interest in this new life of his. This was why he accepted the robot girl rather than his initial rejection of her. The "instinct" part in the earlier chapters was just an excuse so that he didn't have to explain anything about why he didn't want to be friends with her.


InfiniteSuns: i understand one thing mana makes you more powerful, but what the **** is with reaction of others 6 years old kid with a touch can break somebody else bones etc. and they're oh what a genius what a ruthless boy

A: Because Jirou is already aware that Kazuya can use mana (internal energy to him) which was why he wasn't really that surprised.


LemonAid: So Mei is a shotacon?

A: Is she?


Jbravs25: How many bonus chapters would it be if you rank on top 20?

A: That's a tough question. But I would probably try to change it to daily releases if I do go that far and kept it up weekly.


Grimmypoo: Are there going to be any time skips in the next 50 chapters?

A: Yes


iGoo: Are you going to post your other stories in the site too?

A: If I ever get my lazy butt to read and edit them for this format then just maybe.


Agit0: May I ask where can I find your other stories? Or what website I can read them?

A: I'd like to keep the ones still existing to myself since I do cringe at the amount of typos when I found them in one of my hard drives.


SorrowGrave: Why do the reviews have to be so long?

A: I actually prefer a lil bit more info but that question is best left to the webnovel staff.


Plsd: Did you enjoy TI8? Who were you rooting for?

A: I was rooting for EG vs OG giving us a dramatic finals but EG got dropped in the semis.


ZiniGansta: You write English well. Are you from the west? What do you do?

A: No, I'm Asian who is a freeter.


Purrfection: Why is the novel's rank so low when it has such quality.

A: I don't know how to give a clear answer on that. If I had to say, it would be because I don't have a clickbait title nor does web novel separate real original novels from fanfictions.


NocturnalPulse: Tell me, Do you bleed?

A: I see what you did there… but this is the Q/A section so I'll answer anyway! Yes I do bleed, I'm actually bleeding chapters right now.


Not_A_Heretic: Why do you do dis!?! Are you a sadist author?

A: Please direct all that hate to Dal Young-sensei. I have suffered cliffs that literally has lasted for years


iGoo: Who is your favorite girl in the book?

A: She has not made an appearance yet so I can't answer this.


CloudRoeven: Who's the cover girl?

A: Concept Art for Kurumi


Ajhin: Are you going to sign with webnovel if they offer you a contract?

A: I doubt that I will be offered a contract. If you ask me, I would prefer to keep everything free and if Patreon can be enough then I would. Who knows? I'll consider this if ever it comes.


CloudRoeven: I can't be a patron. What else can I do to help?

A: Like I said, don't be intimidated by the patreon link. It's just optional and for those who can afford to give a helping hand. You can simply help by giving the novel as much power stones you can spare. As I rank up, I get more exposure and as I get more exposure, I may attract those who can afford to be patrons.


Helloion: It's Official. Author's name is now Rurucliffer

A: Not really a question but it caught my attention. You would not want that to be official. You guys already cringed so much at Chapter 61 already.


A shout out to the top voter: [Andrew05]


That's all the time we have. Once again, thank you for all the support and I hope you've enjoyed everything you've read so far. We will resume the story when Volume 2 starts.