Catching up on work

The sudden sound exploding out of his alarm clock made him slap out. The clock flew across the room and chattered against the wall. Slowly he rose out of his bed. Seeing the chattered clock, he cursed "Fuck! How did that happen?". He got up and got ready for work.

On the tram to work, he saw the lady from last time again. Seeing him she looked away obviously embarrassed, but he greeted her anyway and sat down across of her. He was still curious what she was reading last time. She seemed very embarrassed, and told him to just look up the author D2D. After that, they somehow ended up discussing different novels. Rana stop arrived quickly "I have to get off here, nice talking to you. See you!". As he got off, she just waved her hand as good bye.

Arriving at work, he sat down at his desk, in a very grumpy mood, he hated Mondays. Muttering he started up his machine, at least he had got used to his heightened senses and could ignore them. He took his headphones out, put some music own and started working, trying to catch up the past day he had been slacking.

At some point he noticed something soft was pressing on his back and a pair of hands, feeling out his body, wandering down. Rana had been too focused to notice it up till now. He lifted his right the ear piece of his ear and turned his head around. Behind him was Becky pressing her chest. 'WTF is this crazy woman doing? Doesn't she know this is sexual harassment?', he thought, but he simply said "Oh, Hi Becky. What do you think you are doing?" moving away from her.

She leaned over towards him, "What do you mean can't I say 'Hi' to this dear colleague of mine?", completely exposing her bust to him. "What do you want, Becky?", he just replied annoyed. She then leaned over even more to whisper into his ear "I just came over to ask when I can repay you and to tell you that I have covered my tracks and that you have nothing on me now." She gave him a peck on the cheek "Also I want you to come with me and fuck me."

He pushed her away from him saying "Leave me alone, Becky! I told that I don't want you! Stop annoying me, I need to work." At that moment you would have to hear a pin falling, every person was looking over. He put his headphones back on correctly, ignoring everyone and getting back to work. What could he do, it is not as if he would be taking seriously if he reported her for sexual harassment. He was a man, if he did that he would just become a laughingstock and not getting anything out of it.

He just worked on at noon, he just made himself some instant noodles. Even thought they grossed him of now that he could smell what they contained, he just tossed them down his throat. Then he worked on.

When he was finally done it was dark out and all his colleagues had already left. He sat up and sighted, maybe I really should quit this job he thought. But most of the jobs he could do with his degree where pencil pusher jobs like this one, analysing data, presenting it nicely for others to understand easily.