Hot Chocolate

I stood in the silver metal box of shame alone. It seemed that time had slowed down, and the elevator was as slow as molasses. I became speechless and motionless. My thoughts were clearer than ever, though, I knew it was certain that I was in trouble for being rude to a student while on duty, a stinking rich one too. I may even get sued or kicked out or school, or both. Dreading what was about to come once I report back to Robert, I was filled with a mixture of emotions - anger, frustration, hate, anxiety, fear, and, most importantly, embarrassment.

The elevator finally came to a stop on the twenty-seventh floor, the doors opened slowly and a male student walked in before noticing me standing rigidly in the corner. He pressed the Main floor button and the elevator door close button and proceeded to back into the corner opposite of mine.

As expected, he commented on my choice of attire, "Nice outfit, but it's only Friday and Hallowe'en isn't until next week?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. At least he wasn't harassing me or making sexist maid jokes. He chuckled slightly at my expression, clearly taking amusement at this situation. Elevator riders don't usually solicit each other, do they?

"This is a test trial to see how people would react to it," I replied sarcastically, not looking in his direction.

"And how's that working for ya?" He asked.

"Well, so far I've been called a hooker, so eleven out of ten if I say so myself," I claimed. I have no idea why I'm even telling a stranger about my problem, but there was a strange vibe about him that made me trust him. Or maybe it was just because I was too flustered at the moment to think about anything else but talking about what just happened.

"Ouch, sorry to hear that," he said sympathetically. "Anything I can do to cheer you up?"

I turned to look at him in disbelief, finally getting a good look at him. There was no doubt that he was extremely attractive, like most of the rich kids in Valentino Academy. He had large hazel eyes, quiffed short dark brown hair, and a pearly white smile. There was also something about him that made him slightly less intolerable.

Lack of arrogance, I thought to myself. He wasn't as stuck up or as cocky as far as I can tell, and definitely was willing to make conversation with weird looking strangers - namely me.

"We met, like, two minutes ago," I finally said after a long pause, "I don't know if I should be talking to you about my personal problems."

"I'm sure it's more like four minutes," he smiled brightly," and why not? You clearly seem to have gone through something quite traumatic it seems."

"Well, I guess I could talk for a bit over some hot chocolate right now," I said, "I'm probably going to get fired today anyway, so might as well enjoy the time off when I can."

"Then to the dining hall," he offered as he pressed the elevator button for the fourth floor.

"But I thought you were going out?" I gestured to his main floor destination. He looked at the panel and smiled.

"I admit I did have some errands I was running, but how can I leave a clearly distressed lady such as yourself alone like this at this hour? The errands can wait," he smiled.

As we reached the cafeteria, we both decided to take a seat near the lounge areas by the couches. He introduced himself as Theodore Walker, or, simply, Theo. A fourth-year major in commerce at Valentino University. Apparently, he also likes to play football occasionally and take strolls at night around the campus for some alone time and fresh air.

A real poster child potential for Valentino University's PR team, I thought. I wonder if I could sign up and get some money out of doing that instead? I'm probably getting fired anyway...

Theo stood up and offered to fetch the hot chocolates for both of us I nodded in response, eager for the delicious drink. I soon got lost in my thoughts again regarding the incident and how I probably should have just called Robert to resolve the issue. But I didn't, I threatened a rich man with pocket change big enough to equate my entire life savings. Why the hell did I do that again?

When Theo came back, he seemed rather intrigued at who I was and kept poking the question of why and how I got into the maid outfit at this hour. Uncomfortable with him directing his strong gaze and attention solely on me, I gave in and formally introduced myself.

"I'm Sienna Hayes, third-year Science major, not a lot of hobbies because I'm mostly doing part-time jobs, which is why I am wearing this," I said.

"Right, less cleaning and more getting to know your friend, that's a good bargain."

"I don't know if I can call Geneva Hamilton my friend..." I said unconfidently, "she's a supermodel and I am quite frankly a potato."

"Unless you're full of starch and carbohydrates I'd say you're not exactly a potato," he commented.

"Who says I'm not?" I joked.

"Touché," Theo laughed, "but I guess that kind of makes everyone a potato."

"Not Geneva Hamilton... That supermodel look is definitely not potato-like," I insisted.

"Honestly, given what I know about her I think she might be able to eat more than the two of us combined and not gain a single pound," he noted.

"You know her?" I asked. If Theo knows Geneva then he's definitely not just a typical rich guy, I thought.

"Everyone kinda knows each other to a degree, but I know her from a couple of times in some social events and we were in some of the same classes in high school," Theo explained.

"I'm definitely the odd one out then," I sighed, "I've been here awhile but don't really know anyone other than people I work with and people that work in the dorms."

"I think maybe you need to go out more and meet friends."

"Easier said than done when you don't have like a million part-time jobs to go to..."

"Ah yes, sorry, but let's get back on track with our conversation. You mentioned your last name was Hayes... Any chance you might be the daughter of the Hayes family? The one that owns a bunch of venture companies?" Theodore asked curiously.

"If my deceased parents had venture companies under their wing, then I don't think I would be working my ass off for minimum wage," I laughed.

"True," Theo conceded. "How come you seemed upset when you were in the elevator?"

"Well long story short, after I met Geneva I was supposed to clean this next guy's floor and he thought I was some hooker sent for him. I got mad, he also got mad, but there was definitely no cleaning getting done."

"Weird," he commented and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I am usually good at dealing with difficult people but being rude and grabbing me was just completely out of line."

"He grabbed you? That's not good, you can report that you know."

"He said to try and sue him and see how it goes," I rolled my eyes, "so I assume no matter what I do I'll be in the wrong."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Sienna," Theo apologized.

"And now, I'm here talking to you," I said as a sipped on some delicious hot chocolate. Theo let out a few chuckles.

"This seems sudden but, can we exchange numbers? I think you've shared enough embarrassing moments with me to be friends now, don't you think?" He asked.

"Sure, you seem like a cool person," I said as I exchanged phone numbers with Theo, "I just hope it's not embarrassing for you that you are now friends with a poor person."

"Rich people are boring anyway, you're way more interesting," he laughed, "don't apologize, if you're in this school then you're set for a good life anyway, so don't worry about any formalities."

Theodore and I talked for a bit more before I realized that I was supposed to report back to Robert about the incident and accept my doom. Before I had bid farewell to my newfound friend I checked to see if I still had the access card from my pockets. I pulled it out of my pocket, but something else was missing.

"I can't seem to find my student card," I said with worry. They were in my pockets when I left Geneva's place, but where was the last time I had used it?

The top floor, I thought.

Shit. I dropped my student card at that guy's place.