Obligatory Visit

"Ms. Hayes..."

"Ms. Sienna Hayes," a voiced called out faintly.

"Huh?" I groaned. Clearly not ready to embrace the morning sunshine, I slowly lifted myself and opened my eyes to see Margaret and Scarlet hovering over me. Scarlet being a spontaneous child that she was, immediately jumped onto the bed and lifted my blanket up and down, creating airwaves beneath the duvet and myself. Luckily this residence is rich and lavish enough to always have air conditioning and heating so it wasn't all too cold, but it definitely woke me up.

"Wake up, Sienna!" She said cheerfully.

"I'm awake," I smiled, for once she actually managed to pronounce my name correctly, looks like Margaret is properly tutoring and taking care of her in my absence. Even though it wasn't within Margaret's job description to take care of Scarlet, she always found the time to help out with the place. Plus there wasn't much to clean all the time around these floors at all times, so she spends most of her free time with Scarlet and helps me around whenever possible.

"Good morning cutie pie," I smiled and opened my arms to invite her for a hug, Scarlet ran across the bed and jumped into my embrace.

"Good morning to you too, Margs," I said to Margaret, who was laughing on the side.

"Morning, Sienna," she responded, "seems like you have a tight schedule this morning for a Sunday, as I was told."

"Since when do you know my schedule?" I laughed.

"Since today," Margaret casually said.

"Well, let's check the time first," I said to myself and picked up the phone, its screen lit up brightly with the digits of 9:30 AM. It was still early in the morning, I wonder why Mags and Scarlet woke me up so early?

"I was notified that from now on I will be promoted from my current position as the twelfth-floor housekeeper to a new position. Starting today I will be a personal maid and housekeeper for the both of you," Mags said excitedly.

"Yay, Mags!" Scarlet screamed out and hopped off the bed to give her a hug.

"Congratulations! That means less work for you and more fun with us!" I smiled, "What drove this change?"

"You'll know soon enough," Margaret said.

I chuckled, "Okay."

Scarlet started to run around in the room and cheered with joy, she seemed so happy to hear this news, as did Margaret. I decided that it was time to let loose so we played mini tag in my room for about two minutes before she ran out of breath.

It was fun while it lasted, I thought.

"I forgot to tell you that we will be moving to the twenty-first floor starting today as well," Margaret said as we finally settled down.

"Wait, what?" I tilted my head slightly in confusion. This apartment seems completely fine for the three of us, we had an unoccupied smaller room that Margaret could live in as well. Why were we required to move?

"The suite will be much larger than this one with only two other occupants per suite on one floor, the movers and I will make sure all your items are transferred upstairs by the time you come back today," Margaret continued.

Scarlet was confused by this, but I figured that she understood the main idea, she eventually smiled at Margaret and I and gave us a big thumb up.

"We get a bigger home for all of us!" She said cheerfully, slightly swinging Scarlet around for fun as she giggled.

"But why...?" I asked slowly, hoping that in my brain I could find an explanation for this change.

However, the harder I thought about it, the less it actually made sense. What were so different between the twelfth floor and the twenty-first other than its size? Why were we required to move anyway?

"Because you theoretically we now sponsor you," a familiar voice said.

We all turned to see Hayden standing in between my doorway, he was smiling brightly at Margaret and I. Margs even curtsied to him, perhaps due to his social status, I was told before that all maids and housekeepers were supposed to curtsy to the residents of the top ten floors for traditional reasons.

"Hayden! How did you get into my apartment?!" I said, shocked. How did he know where I lived?

To be honest, I never really told him much about myself, so how come he can just barge into my place without keys?

"I know what you're thinking, and the answer is always that I'm Hayden Whitehall," he explained, "I actually knocked but you clearly didn't hear it so I just tried the doorknob and it opened."

"Oops," Margaret said and laughed silently.

Hayden looked down to see my sister Scarlet, I wasn't sure if I actually told him about the existence of my younger sister, or if I did, tell him how young she actually was. He crouched down to her level and waved hello, Scarlet's eyes met his and approached cautiously. She wasn't afraid of strangers, but she was still intelligent enough to know that he couldn't be trusted just yet.

"Hey there, my name is Hayden," he smiled and took out his hand, "nice to meet you."

Scarlet remained silent, she had been sucking on her left thumb this whole time. It was an undying habit of hers to cope when she was nervous. She eventually took out her right hand and shook Hayden's hand.

"Are you Sienna's boyfriend?" Scarlet asked innocently, causing Hayden and Margaret to both look taken back by surprise.

"Scarlet! You can't just ask people that!" I said angrily. I was not expecting her to say that of all things, Scarlet can be sweet most of the time, but she was one unpredictable mess on the other spectrum.

"Calm down," Hayden said to me while he rolled his eyes, and looked at Scarlet again, "what would you like the answer to be?"

"Yes," Scarlet gave Hayden a big, wide smile.

"The yes it shall be," Hayden said. Scarlet then gave him a big hug and celebrated by jumping up and down.

My heart suddenly dropped, adrenaline rushed to spread across my body, suddenly I became super sensitive, every breath and movement I made filled my thoughts.

My sister unintentionally asked Hayden out on my behalf and he said yes.

I immediately blushed, my body getting warmer by the second. My face was probably glowing red right now and it was super embarrassing. Everyone seemed to have noticed except for Scarlet, who was oblivious to the entire situation.

Ignorance is bliss, Scarlet didn't intentionally make things awkward between us and Hayden only said yes to make her happy, I said in my mind trying to replace my anger with reason.

Why was I even embarrassed? It wasn't like I actually developed romantic feelings for someone I met two days ago. But damn, there is a certain embarrassment that comes with your own baby sister accidentally arranging a relationship deal.

"Are you going to get married to Sienna if you are her boyfriend?" Scarlet continued to ask.

Oh my god, I internally screamed.

"Scarlet! Could you please stop?" I yelled and turned to Hayden, "this is so embarrassing and I'm sorry, you don't have to say anything really."

"Babe, don't be so harsh to your sister," Hayden said jokingly and smirked, "and to answer your question Scarlet, only time will tell." He then proceeded to pat Scarlet's head, surprisingly Scarlet accepted, she rarely lets adults pet her head unless it was Margaret and me.

"What did you just call me?!" I said shocked at the situation, feeling completely annoyed now. I couldn't believe he was playing along, this was a complete mess and untrue!

Ignoring my answer, Hayden spoke, "anyway, all your questions shall be explained when we get to the lawyers today," he stood up from the crouched position.

"Well I'm going to wash up and get change now, so I'd appreciate it if you all would stop crowding my room," I said angrily.

"Okay, I'll meet you outside and we can go together darling," Hayden smirked and exited the room.

"Well he's good with kids so he's definitely a keeper," Margaret whispered into my ear and then chuckled silently.

"Not funny," I sighed and glared at the two and kicked them both out of the room.