The Talk

"I said you intrigue me and I like you," Hayden repeated himself again as he stared at the ground," also you dropped your hot dog, do you want another one?"

"I don't know if I should feel flattered or offended right now," I blurted again, completely not thinking at this point.

"What do you mean?"

"We've known each other for like less than three days," I explained hastily, "what do you mean I intrigue you and that you like me? That's impossible."

"You're an interesting person to be around, and I've told you that many times," Hayden said, "and I like you because I do. I'm straightforward and upfront about how I feel about people, and I'm surprised that you're surprised at this."

"How can I not be, this is a lot to take in!" I defended myself, my face was still flushed of redness from the cold and from Hayden's sudden and abrupt confession. But if I were, to be honest about my red face, it was definitely less about the cold weather and more on Hayden's part.

"Okay, I'm sorry for bothering you with my affection and friendship," Hayden laughed and said jokingly as he threw his hands up in the air, obviously looking to deflect blame.

"I just don't understand what I am supposed to do with this information now."

"You don't have to do anything. In fact, you don't even have to respond to me right away, or you can reject me on the spot and call it a day if it makes you sleep better at night. I meant what I said, you wanted my honesty and I delivered," he shrugged.

"You know I can't just reject you, you're literally my boss," I sighed.

"And that has nothing to do with us being possibly romantically involved I don't think, so relevance?"

"I don't know how to respond to you, I met you three days ago and to be honest I don't want to set you up for false hopes, because I honestly wasn't considering us romantically at all until you just mentioned it," I said truthfully, half-sighing on the bench as I stared at the second piece of food I managed to get on the floor today due to my clumsiness.

"And that's why I told you in the first place," Hayden chuckled, "I knew you won't be interested in the beginning so I'm making sure you understand that at least I am. But I'm sure a change in perspective will help now that I've made myself clear."

"You just made me more confused, and I just rejected you just now," I pointed out.

"You did, but you rejected me when you never even realized that we could be a possibility, which means I'm not giving up yet."

"What do you mean?"

"I like you, Sienna, as a friend, and maybe a little romantically as I start to realize how much fun I've genuinely been having by just hanging out with you. But I also like and love some of my friends too, so just consider it a possibility, but it's not that deep," Hayden explained.

"But I've never dated before," I rolled my eyes at his commentary, but mostly trying to avoid his gaze as much as possible if I'm completely honest.

"Okay so maybe you're a big virgin nerd that needs some experience," Hayden rolled his eyes back at me, completely teasing the fact that I'm inexperienced, "we can fix that in no time?"

"Why do you assume I'm a virgin?" I scoffed.

"Well, are you?" Hayden asked as his attention fully on me, his curiosity seeping through his gaze.

I glared back and finally said, "yeah, you have a problem with it?"

"You know, I do prefer women who have a bit more experience, but if you don't it's not a dealbreaker for me."

"Really dude? You sound like you just want to have sex with me but my life isn't a dating app!" I complained.

"Do I really look that shallow to you?" Hayden asked, slightly offended.

"Maybe," I snorted out of laughter, trying to contain my laughter in public.

"My point is, you're an attractive lady, and I'm an attractive guy, and I think we have some chemistry together whether you want to admit it or not," Hayden explained himself.

To be honest, since my parents' death as a young teenager, my priorities have always been taking care of Scarlet and getting the best grades while taking some jobs to sustain myself. Up until Hayden mentioned a possible romance route between us and my experience in relationships or lack thereof, I didn't really think much about companionship. Hayden obviously is trying really hard to make me consider him as even a possibility, and it's not an impossible scenario. When Hayden came straightforward about his feelings towards me, my heart did uncontrollably skip a beat after all.

I didn't hate the idea of the possibility of us, I am just uncertain if this is something I want to actually devote and involve myself into, especially since he's made his effort to hire me as his assistant. Things can go south, and I may lose this opportunity of a lifetime because I decided to get romantically involved. So with that, I tried to be very honest and direct about this possibility.

"So what if I don't have any feelings for you, because I currently don't think of you that way?" I glared at Hayden with my judgemental gaze.

"Relationships develop over time, and as long as you start considering that possibility and take my confession seriously then you'll know in no time," he shrugged, "and if you want to make it physical by then that offer isn't off the table."

"Men..." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, I'm being honest with you, isn't that what you want?"

"Yeah, but it's just a bit harsh to hear that I'm wanted more physically rather than emotionally," I sighed, "I don't really think about relationships and romance, let alone having sex just for the sake of it with someone who I barely know."

"Who said I just wanted your body? I did just admit I'm starting to like you for your personality did I not?" Hayden questioned.

"Yeah, but this is a whole lot of new to me, I don't have many close friends throughout my life, let alone guy friends, and certainly not potential boyfriends. And absolutely not thinking about anything sexual for that matter until your horny ass mentioned that subject," I defended.

"I noticed," Hayden chuckled, "but that's why I'm helping you right? You're interesting and I want to help you break out of your shell if you will let me."

"Honestly I still think this conversation is surrounding the sex talk," I asked suspiciously, "are we still talking about sex right now?"

"Calm your hormones, Ms. Hayes," Hayden laughed jokingly.

"You're the one to talk," I giggled, "you're the one the brought it up in the first place."

"Okay, hear me out," Hayden said as he turned his body towards me, "say that we did end up actually dating, by that point do you still think our sex talk is off the table? I mean if two people like each other a lot, it's bound to happen, this isn't some children's book or a fairytale, it's our lives we're talking about."

"I suppose if that did happen then your nasty time isn't off the table," I crossed my arms together.

"It's not nasty, it's literally human nature."

"I get that, but why are we even talking about the physical attraction component if the emotional attraction isn't even mutual?" I questioned and looked at him with the corners of my eyes, expecting a serious answer.

"Okay, that's your logic," he admitted, "but who decided that emotional attraction has to come before a physical one? You ever hear about something called love at first sight?"

"Yeah but you're missing the point, you obviously didn't fall in love with me at first sight, you just like me a little."

"Okay, then answer me this question," Hayden immediately said, "are you attracted to me physically?"

"Really?" I rolled my eyes again.

"Just answer the damn question, Sienna. Am I attractive to you or not?" Hayden pressed further, causing me to lean back a little.

"I suppose you are attractive in my eyes, but that can be said with a lot of girls so I fail to see how that is relevant," I admitted honestly, but the entire conversation at this point has made me blush just thinking about being intimate, let alone being intimate with someone like Hayden.

Hayden Whitehall is as charismatic as one can get, with his undeniable charm it's no surprise to me that he must have a clever way around women he fancies. However, I was certainly not an easy target and not someone that can easily be used for enjoyment. If I were to seriously consider dating, it certainly would be something serious, possibly dating to consider future marriage. Thinking about physically being attracted and involved with anyone before emotionally being invested was pointless to me. I saw it as a short-term pleasure to satisfy what a human nature, and I don't have the luxury of time to think about trivial matters.

"Why are you so aggressively trying to deny that this won't work?"

"I'm not, I'm just saying this never crossed my mind before and isn't my priority right now."

"Well, now it did," Hayden said sarcastically as he smirked, "I'm only a text and call away."

"And I'm one second away from beating you into pulp if you continue to pressure me to have relations with you," I threatened, not wanting to continue this pointless conversation.

"Alright alright, I'm just saying, consider trying it out on your own terms and pace, no pressure or anything, just know that you're one special woman to catch the eyes and attention of a Whitehall."

"I just don't just want to end up like one of the girls you casually joke about when hanging out with your bros," I blurted out.

"You're already so much more than just a girl, you idiot," Hayden said.