C5 - Lost Hope

Feya had a short amount of time. She knew that the soldiers would be fast on her trail. She had limited resources, bodies, and time to get any plan in place. She knew that the result of this would be down to her skills, her soldiers and a whole mountain of luck.

"If any god is listening, please lend me a hand... I will surrender myself to you if you save these people."

She resolved herself, as she knew that no one would come, it was her fight to save these people, and at the end of it, she had to resolve any problem that came her way.

"Bring the soldiers! The scouts have found a valley past those large rocks and boulders, it will be good to slow down the army. For now, we will perch ourselves on the cliffs to the sides of the valley and ambush them. We can hold off a greater number of troops with the height advantage. Doing this will also allow all non-combatants retreat into the valley to hide."

She supervised her soldiers as they rushed to pass along her orders. Soon, the strongest and strangest woman in the entire army came to stand next to Feya. The woman was entirely made out of plant and organic material, her eyes were like tiny bright yellow suns that seemed to burn with conviction. Roughly 6'4, abnormally thin, with a wire-like frame, she sported two curved blades on her back.

The woman's name was Kai. She was from an unknown race of plant-people. Despite Feya's protest, her kingdom had gone to war with Kai's people, blinded by conquest and greed. In the end, the entire army of Feya's nation was destroyed, and only a handful of survivors escaped. It was a complete massacre, and the race of plant-people came to be known as 'War Dancers.'

War dancers could rarely exit their territory in the deep south. As to cross the vortex was a difficult and arduous task.

"How do you feel about the plan, Kai?" Feya asked, looking too her.

"It's my destiny to be here. Our leader sent me to support you, no matter the plan."

Her voice was sweet and light, but it was not spoken out loud. Rather, it echoed through Feya's mind, as the strange woman spoke telepathically.

Feya had heard a similar speech from Kai many times in the past. Each time, she wondered at the meaning behind those words, never understanding why Kai was lending her aid. It seemed possible that she wanted to use the royal bloodline in her veins to stake a claim in the country she had been exiled from.

"Tell me why you help me. Do you want something from me?"

She was skeptical. She always hated making deals that would come bite her in the ass later, though at this stage she would take any help she could get to survive.

"We are not here for you, you just so happen to cross the same path as he does," she said cryptically.

Feya was glad for the assistance, but the arcane nature of the woman's race always threw her for a loop. She had said 'we,' but Feya could only see one of them. It mattered little, though, as long as she received help from the woman in her time of need.

"My Queen, the barricade is as good as we can make it, the hill is reinforced as best we can manage with the lack of supplies. Anyone who can't fight has passed into the valley below."

Twenty minutes away, thunderous marching boomed through the hills as an army of seasoned warriors continued to move towards the location that their most recent scouts had indicated. Each moment passed by slowly as they creeped up towards the cliff. The defences there, by comparison, looked shoddy and makeshift when placed across from the professional army wearing white and black uniforms. That same army soon began to spread out, each and every soldier wearing a magic stone to protect from the heat of the desert.

Standing in the middle of the column, riding on one of the giant desert beasts, a large Gazebo sat comfortably on this mount that was large enough to carry almost a dozen people while moving. Inside this open space was a group of poorly dressed women, chained to the poles that supported the roof. One large man wearing priestly robes sat in the centre on a massive throne made from pillows, cushions and other soft materials.

The man's assistant stood next to him with a meek and crestfallen face.

"Archbishop, we are almost caught up. We can soon kill the heretics who do not worship the Goddess."

The large Archbishop chuckled, causing folds of fat to rumble as he looked up to his assistant. His bald head glowed in the sunlight.

"Excellent, yes?" He continued to laugh, and the building shook slightly under his weight.

"Remember, the princess is to be caught and captured. If we let her die, then I cant chain her with the rest. Even the royal family won't be anything in the face of the church!"

As the giant army closed in, encircling the small defensive area, the scent of fear was ripe in the air.

Feya felt apprehension coursing through her as she gazed down on her enemy, over ten-thousand soldiers lined up and ready, versus her nearly one hundred. How could she even fight against that? It seemed a joke that they were even attempting such a feat. She felt the urge to turn and hide in the corner, crying for someone to help her.

"Do not fear, everyone! They may outnumber us, but remember the women, children, and families through the pass! They require us to win. We have the high ground! Defend with your lives!

She shouted at the top of her lungs, rallying the other guards to raise weapons and scream their passionate battle cries. Feya took a step back, sighing, as she clasped her hands to pray one last time.

"Gods, please send help. I'll take anyone, but please help!"

She sent this prayer to the sky, but was jolted when she felt a tapping on her shoulder. She turned her head to the scene of what looked like a ghoul with glasses.

"Holy creator god!"she cursed as she jumped back.

A few people looked at the man in surprise, wondering how or when he had arrived at this location. All the terrain around them was surrounded, save for the cliff face at their backs.

"Do you need some help? I heard you praying, and came as fast as I could!"

He smiled as he gave her a thumbs up. Leaving the rest of the small army staring slack-jawed at him, in disbelief.

Just who was this pitiful budget-saviour?