C68 The Future

Nathan came through the manor, his movement swift as he pushed through the double doors. His eyes were scanning the room as he finally saw the group of women he was after, his body moving towards the table as he took a seat down with them.

"Morning Nathan."

Auryn spoke, looking at him like nothing had happened, eating a massive plate of meat products that were given by the vampire staff.

Ameria smiled at him as she was also stuffing her face while drinking a sweet, refreshing drink of tea with her meal.

Kaye was blushing as she tried to avoid eye contact, it was clear that she was still nervous and thinking about the night previously.

Kai nodded her head in respect, not eating anything as she was sitting like the awkward fourth friend that never knew what to say.

"So Nathan are you going to spill the beans on everything that happened and the plans for us?"

Ameria responded as she placed her cup down, the steam still rising from her cup as she began to cut up one of the slices of bacon.

"It's rather a simple story, the vampire leader knows me, and I think she will be a great ally. I've brought them all into the cause after I helped them the last night."

Ameria took a moment to think as she stopped cutting her bacon, looking at Nathan as she raised an eyebrow.

"What did you do for them?"

Nathan looked at Ameria as he smiled at her.

"Genocide of a few thousand or more Ratmen."

Nathan responded with a calm attitude as he started to pour himself a cup of tea, adding in two spoons worth of sugar before taking a sip,

"Ratmen, what are those and please explain more than one sentence please."

Nathan looked at the woman as he placed his cup back down, his eyes looking directly into Ameria's as he continued.

"Ratmen are a mutation or corruption from divine energy. If one does not have enough willpower, then the energy will mutate and change the being into something closer to an actual living nightmare. These rats had been in contact with it and normally when a weak animal gets in contact with death energy, they die."

Nathan placed his hands on his lap as he sat up straight before looking to them all.

"One of them instead mutated which is a rare case, into a corrupted creature of death. It was able to hold the vampires off and started to spawn its own smaller and weaker versions of itself. It was a losing battle for the vampires and the reason I helped them because corrupted creatures are bad news for everyone."

"When it comes down to it, I killed them all and fixed the situation. The vampires used to be reliant on a previous source of death magic; now they are reliant on my source of power which means they will be loyal to me and help."

Ameria let out a sigh as she sat back, processing this information before she looked over to Auryn who was eating her meal as nothing had happened.

"People like Auryn require this power as well, why are they not turning into monsters?"

Auryn stopped eating as she looked up, her face going pale at the choice of words.

"I've seen my people losing control before when getting to this source of power. We have been warned ourselves to be careful with it. Small amounts are fine for us, but it's dangerous in any large amount."

Auryn finished as she pushed her plate away, sipping on her drink as she looked away. Kai and Kaye were nodding as they listened before Ameria sighed and looked to her.

"Sorry Auryn, I did not want to hit a nerve. We need as much information as possible."

Auryn just shrugged as she continued drinking, clear that she did not mind this line of questioning as she finished off her drink.

"We will be heading with a man I met. We will be heading north to the location while the vampires head to our home and set up. They have magic that is capable of construction. They will also be great in our future intelligence division."

Nathan stood as he looked to them all before helping Auryn up after taking her hand, Auryn gently blushing as she took his hand. Ameria was rolling her eyes as Kaye blushed and Kai seemed the same as everyone stood up.

"Let's head down and get the cart out so we can continue. It will be a few days to reach the next town?"

Nathan said as he grabbed his cup, finishing off the drink before moving away. He still had taste and the tea was rather delicious.

"Who are we heading with?" Kaye asked as she wanted to know.

"It's a man named Denoth. I trust him for now as merchants are an easier sort of control. The money will solve any issues."

Nathan responded as he led the group out the doors, vampires all around preparing as they gathered anything required for the trip.

The group eventually came down to the town, picking up the cart from a still annoyed owner who scowled at them as they all left, finally meeting up with Denoth who was sitting outside the town.

"Excellent, well let's get started as it will take at least a week to reach the town."

Nathan smiled as he heard Denoth before shaking his head. "It will take roughly two days. I know a shortcut."

A few hours later

Four figures approached the sandy town known as Baski, the weather hitting down on them as everyone kept up a nice pace as they finally entered the town.

The person at the front was looking around before they approached a woman coming down from the manor as she had a list of items required to purchase.

"Excuse me, Miss. Can you help us? I'm looking for information on a man."

The woman scowled as she was annoyed at the interruption, she was to busy to deal with a random traveller coming into town.

"Why bother asking me about a man. Why would I know?"

The man pulled his hood back, the woman staring as she noticed his crimson slit-like eyes, almost like a dragon staring back her as the red scales covering only parts of his flesh like skin that made her even more curious now.

"I'm not truly looking for a man."

Azo staring at the woman as he moved closer to whisper it.

"I'm looking for a god."