C85 Nees to Know Basis

A hand offered towards Nees, taken by her as she felt the man pull her up and off the ground as her face flushed in embarrassment. It was clear that she had no idea what to say or even do as she stared up at the man who looked back down at her. It almost seemed strangely romantic from an outside perspective.

The first voice was Nathan as he broke the silence after some time.

"So, may we go someplace quiet to discuss matters. I do not plan to hold you to that debt, but I do require some assistance as someone out of town."

Nees nodded to the man as she stared up at him for a moment, her eyes glowing with wetness as she felt indebted to this man, he was like an angel from the sky who had come down to rescue her for the poverty. She still felt some wariness as she knew that this might become a problem if he wanted something else.

Her eyes were staring up at him as she noticed the lack of emotion, nothing remotely indicating his foul intent to have his way with herself. She still felt her embarrassment as his eyes looked into her own.

"Can we talk somewhere quieter, I need to discuss a few things about this place. I'm mainly an outsider so some perspective will be great."

Nees felt those words hitting her as she nodded her head quickly, moving through the alley as she led the man out of the central shopping district and into the quieter residential slums area.

The sound of children echoing around the group as this district seemed filled to the brim with children, after coming around a few more corners the sight changed again, instead of children this time it was many women standing in front of their own homes.

Bull let out a soft whistle as he stared directly at several women, most of them waving at him with interest as his smile grew.

"Oh my. These women are all nice. Maybe we can make some new friends."

Azo looked to Bull before starting over at each of the women, everyone giving a flirtatious smile and winking to them as they walked past, it was clear what sort of services they offered. His mouth was dropping as he could swear Bull was dense in certain aspects.

"Bull, these ladies are women of the night. They will be very friendly but for money only."

It took Bull a few moments to put everything together in his mind. He felt his cheeks growing warm at his stupidity as he looked over to them again, his eyes watering slightly with embarrassment.

"I do not have any money though."

Each spoken word was coming from his mouth like a wave of water hitting across the women as they stopped smiling, turning away to pay attention to other men and women entering the street. The shock was running back to Bull harder than before as he looked to the ground dejected.

As the twins patted Bull's shoulder with pity, Azo moved up towards Nathan who was walking behind Nees who was leading them through the district.

"Nathan, Can I ask you if this is wise?"

Azo spoke softly to him, keeping his voice low for two reasons as he wished to keep this talk private from the person they were currently following, the second reason so that any undercover guards had no chance to recognise them as they walked past this area.

"I can set up a meeting with a few of our connections. The money you spent on this woman could cover the cost of several of my connections to get anything you require."

Nathan turned his head to look at the man, his eyes glowing sightly under the sunlight as he seemed confused at this conversation.

"Have you heard the phrase. Kill them with Kindness."

Azo stared for a moment as his confusion increased, why would Kindness help him with getting the information he wanted.

"Azo if you do not understand my mission then maybe your intelligence needs to get sharpened. I'm not just after information."

Azo felt his skin prickle as he heard this, his anger slightly rising at this insult. He never acted on it though as he merely listened for Nathan to continue his words.

"I care not for people who are neither loyal or trustworthy. The contact you have may provide information at a steep price, but I neither trust them or have their loyalty to back it up. I will not buy people."

Azo blinked as he heard the last part, clearly feeling something was not adding up correctly as he stepped closer to Nathan.

"You just bought Nees?"

His words received an icy cold glare from Nathan as he felt his soul shudder as his steps retreated away from the man.

"If that is what you believe then you are really in need of getting some emotional intelligence. I think Bull beats you in that category."

As Nathan continued walking with the woman, side by side. Azo retreated to Bull who had closed to the distance to hear the whole story, his smile growing as he looked to Azo.

"He is right you know. He did not buy her but freed her. He does not expect her to pay back all that money and that is easy to see. It's why she is looking at him as a divine being and not with disgust."

Azo took a few minutes to let out a low groan, shaking his head as he never thought a day could come with him getting lectured about a topic from the large man himself.

"We are here."

Nees said as they came to one of the shacks on the edge of the entire town. It was clear how the woman made her money as lines upon lines of washing stood outside her small shack-like home, many piles of baskets each with a small package stuffed inside with some coin.

As Nees came home, a young boy came running out. It was clear he was at most nearly eight or nine years of age as his shaggy brown hair brushed in the wind, his face covered in snot and tears as he grabbed his mothers worn shirt.

"Mom! It's Mea. She stopped breathing! She won't talk to me!"

The mood dropped like a rock as Nees began to cry as she rushed inside with her child, the only word coming from Bull as he watched with pain in his eyes.
