C92 The Kind Priest

Standing behind the wall, Sivil pressed the bowel of water along a small row of crops that slowly grew from the earth below him. His smile was growing as he watched the plants slowly vibrate, almost like they were dancing with the water landing on every one of them.

Sivil stood at a natural 5'11 with greying hair, a pair of spectacles that fit on the end of his nose. Thick red and orange robes that covered him and even seemed somewhat baggy to the fit. His natural aqua blue eyes were moving along the patch of land as he continued to water the plants.

His long hair sticking to his sweat covered face as he continued his work, a smallish church behind him which connected to a larger two-story home with connecting outhouses. A bunch of children was screaming and playing off in the distance in the yard between the church and the secondary buildings.

Sivil crouched next to the church itself in a private garden area that had stone walls cutting it off from every other area. He had managed to purchase a black-market fertility gem on the cheap side of things and had started to use it with the water he pulled from the spring, able to water all the plants and even to allow them to grow.

He stood up from his work, cleaning off his hands and brushing down his robes as he entered back into the church. The few benches inside moulding over slightly due to the age and the windows very plane and few in the roof with the entire feeling of a run down church that needed desperate repairs.

The altar itself in a terrible state after so many years of use and even a few break-ins that had caused some damage during it. Sivil taking his time to set up a few items in the storage area in one of the side rooms before coming back out and taking a seat on one of the less damaged benches.

The sound of hooves in the background as a pair of hands slowly covering his eyes, a soft voice whispering into his ear as the hot breath brushed the back of his neck.

"Hello, Darling! You look exhausted after all that work. Want me to make some tea for you?"

Standing behind him was his darling wife Kechi, standing taller than him at 6'02 with the sizeable feminine figure of a warrior female, toned body all the way down to her waist which strangely seemed to transform into a horse anything below that.

Her long golden hair that flowed down her back that curled up at the end that only seemed to bring forth even more youthful energy. Along with her soft blue eyes that complimented her somewhat plump appearance.

"That would be fantastic."

He held her hand softly for a moment as he stood, watching her with a soft smile as she moved away into one of the back rooms. Preparing the tea for him, the scent of the leaves in the pot only made him let out a soft sigh as minutes passed by before he took the drink, sipping it with pleasure.

His body was standing as he walked out to the front of the church, his eyes looking around at the ruins of the slums around him. He was in the farthest part of the slums and currently in the destroyed section which caught fire a few months back. Sadly no one lived here at the moment except for a few settlers here and there.

He had felt a shame washing over him as he only got this place cheap due to this fact and was able to help all the children because of it. His ties to the church allowing him a continued tribute for helping out but nothing more.

Sivil carefully sipping his tea during the quiet evening, the gentle wind caressing him as he just let out a soft sigh. It was not until he heard the earth-shattering blast with the ground shaking below him that he could even consider this being a bad night.

The dust scattering as he dropped his teacup, shattering it on the ground as he ran straight towards the hole that was nearly 40 meters away from him. The wind was scattering the dust as the priest ran towards the now gaping hole in the wall, large enough to ride several horses through at once.

Maybe it was an invasion. Some new siege weapon. That he had never heard about an impending attack so what could it possibly be.

"Wait, someone is in the smoke!"

Sivil rushed forward into the smoke, his speed closer to someone in the twenties let alone his much older body, grabbing the arm of the man as he struggled slightly against his grip.

"Come on, young man. Stop fighting I'm trying to help you out. This is not a safe place!"

He felt the gentleman giving up his struggling as he quickly pulled him out from the smoke, leading him back to the church as he looked to his wife in need. Handing over his arm as he looked towards the man, seeing his thin body and tall frame making it all to worse to look at.

"Are you ok, are you hurt anywhere?"

He spoke as he quickly dusted his robe off, his own eyes wandering back to the smoke as Sevil noticed several guards showing up, starting to poke into the rubble as he knew it was best for him to leave.

If he got caught up in the madness not only could he and his wife get caught up, they had a chance to lose everything with the corrupted nature of everything.

"Come on in Young man. Its best we talk inside about what happened. Maybe I can get you some tea. We should stay away from the guards don't you think?"

He opened the door to allow his wife entry first, hurrying the group up as the young man followed.

"I agree. It's best we keep away from the guards."

Nathan responded as he came inside, a smile coming onto his lips as he continued.

"Some tea would be fantastic right now."