C133 Godless No Longer

The silence in the air was thick enough to cut with a blade. Shame the latest one made by the blacksmith had gotten stolen. The people around watching with disbelief as the man felt his jaw hitting the ground. His private life was getting thrust into the foreground as it was clear that his private matters would no longer remain in that realm.

The woman looking at him with a soft smile on her lips as she had pushed a strange power into him. His body was feeling warm but his anger also growing as the woman had brought something so personal into the public eye.

"You think blurting out my public secrets will do you any favours. I will have your head for this!"

His voice was cutting the silence as the guards heard the man not denying the fact but instead of calling on the people around him to take this woman into custody and even apply capital punishment.

"Guards Seize her and bring her to the dungeon!"

The words echoed out as the guards moved forward and surrounded the woman. Auryn was continuing to smile as she was no longer looking at the man's face but down to his crotch. Even the two councilwomen blushed as they turned their gazes down.

"Oh my."

Muttering her words Dresden pulled her gaze away. The few people were surrounding the man turning to look at the same thing. A few people were starting to blurt out laughing as even the guards stopped to watch as well, each one either smirking, laughing or blushing as they turned away.

"Maybe you should head home instead Kandreos."

These words spoken by Auryn made the man turn his gaze down as well. It was clear as day to be seen by anyone as a large tent had pitched inside his cotton pants.

It only took a few moments before his dark ashen face grew hot as his cheeks started to blaze like the stars of a thousand worlds. His mind growing blank as he turned around and started to walk away.

"You do not need to arrest her. Leave her be. I need to go do some paperwork in my office."

His words were fooling nobody as they all now believed the woman who had caused this man to have his hopes of a family rekindled. The atmosphere joyous as no one hated the man as he always had a short fuse. Now that one of the issues in his life was resolved people could swear that the man walking away had a smile on his face as his main issue at home became settled.

Auryn smiled at the man walking away as she turned to take the ore from Denoth who had grabbed it during the time they had moved to this area. Taking the ore her fingers pressed into the ore further as it seemed a lot softer to the touch as she put pressure on it.

After pulling her fingers from the surface of the material, she found small indents were her fingers had pressed. Eyes are staring at those indents as she felt the power inside her connecting with the ore.

"No way."

She felt her excitement growing as she moved over to the anvil as she pressed the ore onto the top. Her eyes are looking to the nearest assistant as she spoke kindly to him.

"Can you please hit this into a bar for me?"

The assistant looking confused as he grabbed a hammer before coming over to the anvil. His hand was holding the stick as he slammed it down into the ore. His surprise was growing as he removed the hammer to see it making progress on the mineral that seemed more like clay than an actual hard indestructible ore.

"How is that possible. It's normally not able to be changed like this."

The man's words confused everyone around as many apprentices came around to stare. Even the councilwomen came with surprise as they watched the woman pulling at the metal with each hit, almost similar to handling dough when making bread.

Each second passing by as the hammer hit across the metal as it eventually Auryn told the man to stop. Her hands were continuing across the metal as it had the same consistency of jelly as she could tear off sections with her hand.

"Grab me a mould. Anyone will do!"

The apprentice was handing over quickly a full mould for a morning star with the entire cast only having one hole at one end. The pattern could split into two pieces when needed as there was an iron latch on one side and the gap at the top could insert an iron rod for the shaft of the weapon.

Auryn was quickly pushing more of her power into the metal as she held it over the hole. Finding the more power, she used the softer the ore became. Eventually turning into liquid metal as it flowed into the mould and hardened back up again.

While she was offered a metal rod to act as the handle. Her hand waved to the man as she declined it. Her fingers were grasping one end as she pulled out the metal to form a handle made out of the same material. The shaft was hardening up quickly as she cracked the mould and pulled out the morning star.

The weapon had a purple colour to it after this quick forging process. Auryn's eyes were looking over the weapon with interest as a smile crossed her lips. Each swing of the item proved it lighter than most materials and the strength enough to keep the bludgeoning weapon safe.

Putting the weapon on the floor, she felt the ground vibrate as small strands of grass broke from the level in a five-meter radius around the impact. Life had bloomed out from this simple impact. This weapon had similar divine properties to the person who created it.

Thinking for a moment as she pulled up the weapon. Thinking of a name as she spoke it softly into the air. Muttering it out as she gave this divine weapon a name.
