C144 - What We All Sea.

The thunderous lightning struck around the dark masses that floated along the rough, screaming waves that seemed to strike against the side of the ships like horrible sirens. The sounds of the anger water being rather tame compared to the screaming of men, sounds of cannons blaring with the eventual sound of splintering wood and gore splattering against the water below or worse.

The flames of burning ships seemed to cascade against the backdrop of this battle. The sky echoing again as another bolt of lightning shot down onto the top of another boat, causing the crow's nest to explode into fragments, flames and more screaming.

The air around these vessels seemed to be different, the roars of beasts as Wyverns riders flew across the sky, small packages being tossed into the ships of the foe as more loud explosions echoed out into the air.

Two flags could were on this battlefield. One bright blue flag with the image of an Owl flying in a strike pose along with Dolphin below it. This represented the Kingdom of Kalisa. The other flag was black with a white lion painted onto the banner which belonged to the Empire of Telinbor.

The fleets were sadly not evenly matched, several ships belonging to the Kalisa fleet, blue banners floating in the wind while trying to retreat, many trying to give a place for the flagship to escape from this disadvantageous battlefield. The Telinbor ships seemed to be slower but armed with many more cannons. At the same time, this usually would allow the Kalisa fleet to safely retreat from the quieter, more massive vessels it seemed a new tactic had been introduced by the Telinbor's.


These creatures were hard to tame, almost impossible in most circles with such a fierce temperament. Though somehow these creatures had been tamed and bred to such a level that they could be brought out in the hundreds in the battlefield.

The fight which should have been a simple match of speed against strength had been turned around with the flights of Wyverns keeping the movements of the fleet in check.

On the flagship of the Kalisa fleet, standing at the head was a somewhat older gentleman. He was in his late fifties with white hair. He was bleached either by age or sun. It was hard to tell as the older man turned his head to look at a tanned woman approaching from under the deck to his position.

"Admiral Sebast, how is our retreat going?"

The woman was different from the man, she features more defined as it was clear she was not used to the sea as she wobbled around. She was wearing a full seat of leathers, sword at her waist as well as a strange chained book on the other side of her hip. This would confuse both mages and swordmasters.

"Kerha, it's going fantastic. As you can see not a single problem."

The Admiral responded with his pure snark as the sounds of explosions, cries of panic and the single roar of the lightning overhead, it seemed Kerha was immune or rather dense to this as she simply turned around and surveyed the field of war around her.

"Seems you are losing Admiral."

"Aye, with grace, though... Speaking of grace, how is the Princess dealing below deck." He responded with a hint of shame in his eyes.

"With as much grace as your battlefield here."

With her simple retort, the Admiral just began to laugh again as he began to smile. It was not a simple of hope, but with satisfaction, one that knew that he had done as much as one could in this situation. They were always outgunned, this was the first time they had been beaten by the speed and strength of the enemy flyers. The Wyverns were making it almost impossible for any simple movements to gain space between the opposing fleet.

It was at this time, another ship carrying the bright blue flag exploded in a sea of flames, the Wyvern corps above dropping its dangerous exploding cargo onto the vessel below.

"It would take a miracle to save us now." responded the dark-skinned warrior.

"I don't trust in such things, so inconsistent now you know," Sebast responded with a dry chuckle.

"That is why they are miracles now, Admiral."

Both of them stared around the ship, crew members both of Elven and human decent trying desperately to put out the flames that had been caused by a few stray bombs hitting the boat. Many screams of pain from those below deck who had suffered from the stray fire or splinters of wood scattering from the damage.

Below deck, in the front of the ship in a private room. The room was decorated much better than anything else in the same boat. Though to be expected of the guest of this room it was said to be just the bare minimum as a young blonde haired half-elf sat at the end of her bed, holding onto the fine silk of her long flowing dress.

Her faint, glowing golden eyes were looming in the darkroom as she sat patiently. She knew that this was not a safe place to be, though by the body language of her life long friend and bodyguard she had put together that this place was possibly going to be the last.

Felicia placed her hands together with a calm nervousness as she began to pray. She was not a religious person, never had been. Though at a time like this, it never hurt. Though to which god. She had many options as she thought about her history and studies lessons. She began to smile as she picked one at random. "Creator God, Father of all. Please... If you can hear me, send help to those in danger here. Give us a small blessing so that we may see the beautiful light of another day."

When those words left her lips, a cacophonous echoing explosion was heard, not on the ship but far above as the water became even more violent. The Princess quickly standing as she moved over to one of the few windows. Her eyes growing wider as she could not believe what she saw.

Right above the ship, a tear in the sky had opened.

God had answered her prayers.