C152 Meaning Of Magic (3)

All three of them watched with amazement. It was not magical in a sense of them feeling the magical energy but instead magical in a sense that they watched someone do something so impossible.

Magic required chanting, patience and a decent chunk of time. He had simply changed a metal objects form, purified and then separated and again changed form within a matter of moments. Magic was a cumbersome beast that took time to master and chain with chanting and memory.

The first one to speak, clearly in shock as he looked surprised was Duston.

"That is not possible, how are you able to cast magic without a chant and how can you cast magic without any disturbance... I felt nothing!"

His shock clearly present on all others as they stared at him closer to a figure of worship then an actual teacher. Nathan simply laughed as he turned around to them.

"Like I said, you know magic as something it's not. Let's do each question and I will explain."

He returned as each one of his students took the necklace, inspecting it with clear wonder and interest as they looked back to him.

"You felt nothing for a simple reason. Chanting is used to force your will onto the magical nature of the world around you. The disturbance is the magical nature of the world trying to fight against the control. It's the simple reason higher level magic is fighting against you.

This was a difference from what most of the teachers taught as Nathan finished, all three staring at him like a mad genius that had told them he was planning to take over the world.

"So why cant we cast magic anymore, why is it that a large portion of the people who come here are suddenly unable to cast anything after we are able to do so for years."

This was the next question posed, Nathan took a few minutes to think as he remembered back to the system he had designed in regards to the magical effects.

"Mortals are not meant to wield magic inside themselves normally. Its a toxic nature to them and eventually it will corrupt you."

He spoke as the group looked even more confused.

"Your body naturally will shut down any more attempts after it takes in a certain amount of pure magical essence. It's a fail safe to stop you doing so. Those who can keep going simply have forced their body to continue or have a way to make sure they take less of the magical essence inside themselves."

They began to nod before Duston spoke.

"What happens if someone keeps taking in energy without care for themselves?"

"Death, mostly. Though corruption is a mental and physical force. One can find themselves losing reality, compassion and life. They could turn into the one thing that they wanted to stop. They could turn into monsters."

The reality facing these young ones being shown made them all shiver and reconsider if it was worth becoming a mage now.

"Most magical races can get away with it, they are bonded with certain magical powers and are not as easy to corrupt. Though it is still possible for the outcome, which is why Nulan has lost her ability to take magical essence inside herself."

They simple nodded confused as each of them sat back and began to listen to the man explaining the problems, inconsistencies and issues in the magical system.

"The world is made up of magical essences of different types. These are called Power Words. Each word of power steams from the creation of the world and if one controls all of the power words then they can create an entire world."

They all stared for a moment, Nulan jumping up as she stared at the man with clear excitement in her eyes.

"So are you saying if we control all of these power words, we can become a god basically!"

"Well, that is true. Though you could become as such with only mastering a few. Though to truly become one you take in the word. It shapes you as you shape it... Again if you take in raw, pure magical energy. You will die within seconds or worse like I said. Only certain people are ready for that, maybe one or two in every billion can withstand it."

This made all three students become down, their flames doused by cold water as Nathan began to laugh again gently as he looked at them with a caring fatherly smile.

"We can work around it. I've enchanted each of these pendants with the Power Word: Aqua. You should be able to pull in the pure elemental power of water and control it. It takes awhile to understand but it wont allow you to absorb the energy but still control it to a degree. These necklaces only work with you but allow you to understand it and give them commands."

He spoke to each of them as he nodded, turning to the water below as they still stood on the edge of the cliff. Nathan's hand rising as so did the water as pillars of ocean came into the sky, making small twisters of dangerous currents. Each current dancing to the desires of the man who instructed and answered questions.

The water fully under his command as they eventually joined up into a massive tornado of ocean that seemed to violently swing and sway in the air, eventually Nathan dropped his hand as the water simply flooded back down, cascading into the disturbed ocean below as a few vessels nearby had to steer away from the magical carnage.

Nathan turned to his stunned students, starry eyed and wonder filled as they looked at him as a proper teacher and mentor. Though he would pour the same cold water over each of them.

"You are borrowing this power, not taking it as your own. You must respect it and if the water does not obey your command then you have to still respect it's choice. If you try to force it using this, you will not only die but will suffer as the power tears your body apart."

"This is a dragon while you are simply a mouse."

He finished as he turned back to the water as his smile grew.

Though each of the students nodded with respect, they could feel the water partials now. It was thanks to the necklaces each of them held that this was possible. Though each of them noticed something. While the water had no emotion or feeling to each of them, towards the man called Nathan it was a different story.

The force respected him and even acknowledged him.