"Cheers!" Both Mu Lan and Anne Donne said together and downed the whole glass of wine.

Later, Anne began to talk to Mu Lan about many things and she kept glancing at her wrist watch. She was getting both excited and impatient at the same time.

'Why is this bi*** still acting like she isn't feeling anything?' Anne frowned as she wondered.

Honestly, Mu Lan was feeling just fine.

While the two were talking, Anne started to feel hot all of a sudden. She started to feel amorous. Her blood was boiling. She was feeling dizzy. Her eyes became red as she glared at Mu Lan and asked, "What did you do to me?"

Actually, Mu Lan felt strange on seeing her reaction and wanted to ask that what was wrong with her. But instead, Anne was the one who asked her first.

Mu Lan answered innocently, "What did I do? What can I do? I am just talking to you"

Anne shook her head as she wanted to shake off her dizziness. She said, "N-no, which glass of wine did you give me?"