For the next seven days of Mu Lan's leave, Mu Liang suddenly became the most gentleman in the world. He gave Mu Lan lots of space. He would go to work as usual and then come back home in the evening like a dutiful husband. He would only hug her when they slept and nothing else.

Even then Mu Lan was still on alert whenever he was closeby. She didn't want to lose her focus from her studies because she had just two weeks remaining for her exams to begin.

Mu Liang's focus was only to ensure that she studied well and maintained a balanced diet. He made sure she ate lots of nutritious food and took all of her medicines regularly. Under Mu Liang's care Mu Lan's health gradually improved and she even got back her strength. Even Lu Feng would come and check her health periodically. He would prescribe more of calcium tablets making Mu Lan curse him in her mind.