The code in the letter was: Mu Lan was having a *great adventure*, it was better if no one disturbed her. On 20th January Mu Liang got the card, so as Mu Liang's birthday wasn't on *24th January*, which only meant that Mu Lan would meet him in *Berlin* on 24th January. And with *family* she meant at the Mu Corporation.

In the letter 'Handsome', 'greatest adventure', '24th January', 'Berlin', 'family' they were all the key words. It was easy to understand.

'You were hoping for an adventure, weren't you?' A doting expression flashed in Mu Liang's mind.

From the time, Mu Lan escaped from the villa, Mu Liang was following her. He was standing at the corner and waiting for Klaus Mayer and Mu Lan to get out of that place. Surprisingly, he saw a short man leave the villa.