Mu Feng asked out of curiosity, "Do you remember Arisa the blonde?"

Qi Ying recalled her face. "I do. She was saying about something engagement party, but I have never seen her tonight. What happened to her I wonder."

Mu Feng answered, "Of course you didn't. My men were house guarding her and her whole family so that they couldn't cause trouble. In other words, it was a house arrest in their own house."

Qi Ying was amused. That woman was really arrogant. "What about now? Isn't she upset? And what her father said about it?"

Mu Feng replied, "Well, his father is surely ambitious. He threatened to break the contract between two companies and what not. He doted on his daughter a lot. So he was really angry when her daughter was crying. Big brother didn't say anything but, I think that old man was bluffing us."

QI Ying frowned. "Is he an important person?"