Just in two seconds, they forgot where they were, whatever they were doing, why they were there, how long they were looking at each other.

The people around them and the place where they were all vanished. For them, only two of them existed in their own world.

After losing her memory, this was the first time she met him. However, just looking at him, she knew who he was. It was just one simple glance.

Mu Lan told herself, 'It's him.'

Whatever she was feeling, she didn't let him read her mind.

The man's cold voice came out. "Xiao Lan!"

Mu Lan blinked. "Who? How did you-"

His grips became tighter and he was about to pull her closer.

"Lan dear, what the hell you are doing?" Yan Su came forward and brought the two people out of their fantasies.

Mu Lan sighed in relief and thanked Yan Su in her mind.

That man came back to senses and loosened his grip. Mu Lan hurriedly stepped back.