SUBJECT HL21051999

"What? Missing? Oh my God!" Nala was shocked by the news.

Nick continued, "The government won't publish the news of her disappearance. Don't let Zhuang Lei say that either."

As a scholar and as a genius, Professor Ryuren was a close friend of many powerful and influential people all around the world. Just like the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia, he had many pollical backings too. If he or his family's misfortune leaked out, it would be a disaster. They would try to find out everything and Zhuan Zhen and her son Jonah would be exposed. The opponent was unknown and powerful too. Who would know was going to finish them off? Moreover, if the enemy was too powerful, many others would back down immediately while thinking of their own selfish needs. In that case, nothing would help Zhuan Zhen and Jonah if their matter was exposed.

Nala agreed. "Yes, boss. I will talk to the lawyer immediately. Anything else?"