Mu Liang ignored Carlo. He put his right hand on her shoulder and left hand on her thighs and then carried her inside. He took her to the bed and pulled her shirt up to see her injury. Then he sighed. He sat down beside her and hugged her.

He whispered, "You took the pain for me, didn't you? It was my fault." He sounded like it was his fault that she was hurt.

Mu Lan's puppy expression vanished in a second. "That's not it! It's my fault that I wanted to come here to be with you despite my injury."

"So, this is my fault." Mu Liang dejectedly said.

"No… I…. was curious to find out what happened to doctor Lu Feng after he was found in Costa Rica."

Mu Liang's expression darkened. "So, it's because so him…." He wasn't pleased to hear that his wifey was hurt because of his friend.