After the show ends, Qin gets phone calls from Bunny again. She changed her phone number and Qin blacklists her again and again. He is not face-saving for her.

LonelyLamp's fans soon has exceeded 1 million. They are old fans of Childe Yue and new fans of the gal-game.

"IamLonelyLamp'sStudent"is his only followed blog and has additional fans as well. Most of them are posting their envy in a nice way.

The student of an elite is an elite as well and of another industry. Fate is magical.

Qin has prepared for his exam for two months. He attends the adult university entrance examination and enters an adult university of high ranking dubbing major.

He relies on his self-control during his study. Qin has played all things that others usually play. He has experienced extreme sadness and bliss. His life has changed radically. Once he realizes what he wants, he pursues it with all his effort.

An adult university doesn't have many regulations on students, but they have the same amount of resources as a normal university has.

It has libraries, public lectures, and other stuff that are free to its students. Students can take exams of many certificates here as well. It is convenient for those who already have a job.

Qin still doesn't know what job he is suitable for while he is learning dubbing. He already knows dubbing from his experience. After a series of systematic learning, he believes that he has progressed more on dubbing.

Dubbing is a work behind the scene. He is not opposed to it.

Ro bought a magic card from her system which can allow her to substantialize herself in reality. It cost her 5k points. It is expensive for Ro and she probably cannot make over 5k in this world.

Yet, Ro doesn't have any other use of her points. She thinks it's worth it.

They plan to meet at the front gate of a Disney Park. Qin has been waiting for a while and he is watching the crowds and wonders which one can be Ro.

The park's monitoring flashes and the scene becomes blurry for a second.

No one realizes that a little girl in a dress suddenly appears on the street. She seems to be twelve to thirteen. Her black-ink hair obediently drooping to her waist. She is wearing a set of wine-red Lolita princess dress. She doesn't have a pair of shoes on and she is vacillated between standing still and walking.

Ro didn't expect her substantialization has such a short height and without a shoe.

There are people who peep at Ro. They believe that she must be mad at her parents that she threw her shoes away.

She has a really pretty face, more delicate than a doll.


Ro doesn't want to stand on the ground with her bare feet. It is cold...

Qin looks around and is shocked. Ro is way too small than his expectation.

He trots to her and picks her up into his arms to a nearby bench.

'Why don't you wear a pair of shoes?'

'Too rough. Dropped.' Ro maintains an expressionless face and she doesn't look happy.

'It is all that shoes' fault! It is too bad to rub the feet...'

Qin squats down and takes out his napkins. He wipes Ro's feet clean.

Her feet are pale and small, thin and white like jade. They are smaller than his hands.

What a spoiled girl she is!

'Come. Get on the horse!'

Qin asks her to use her phone to check the nearest shoe store or a shopping mall. He half squats in front of the bench and is waiting for Ro to pounce on his back. She did and Qin firmly carries her on his back and walks to where she points.

There is a commercial street nearby. Qin didn't walk too far from the bench and he stops at the nearest shoe store. There are no shoes for children.

'Do you want to look around in this store?'

'What do you think?' Ro didn't think it was a trouble, but it took Qin a long time to walk to the next shoe store. There is sweat on his forehead.

It must not be her weight. Qin is still too weak.

'Do you like any of these?' Qin looks at these colorful shinny girl's shoes and he believes he is going blind.

Ro is no better than him.

It has been hundreds of years since she wore children's shoes.

Yet, Qin cannot carry her all day long. She looks around and asks him to pick a pair of simple black leather shoes.

Ro tries them on. They are a bit large for her but it won't trouble her. Qin touches the shoes heel and he thinks it is too hard for her. He picks another pair of softer shoes.

'This should be more comfortable.'

Ro looks at the big HelloKitty picture on her shoes and doubts his intention.

She still tries it on and decides to ignore its pink color and shinny shoes cap. It is a pair of comfortable shoes.

'You look good!' Qin is satisfied and nods his head.

Ro doesn't know what to say.

Qin asks the server to bring two pairs of sockets. He puts a laced bowknot white sockets on her and then puts her shoes on. He hints her to walk around.

Ro hasn't had a body for a long time. Even though walking in front of Qin and others is embarrassing, she loves this feeling of having actual feet.

'What do you think? We can try more if you don't like.'

'I think they are okay.' Ro nods reservedly.

Qin buys these two pairs of shoes right after.

'I heard that knocking the shoes will make them softer. I will try to knock this black pair when I get back. If I made it, you can wear it after. If not, we can always get another pair next time.'

You are a real dummy!

Ro looks at him carrying the shoe boxes and feels upset.

Qin carries the shoes with one hand and holds her hand with the other hand.

There are many human traffickers outside. What can I do if she got lost and kidnapped? She looks so cute and must be worth a lot...

They stop at a cotton candy car and got two cotton candies.

Qin is holding her hand still. He doesn't want her to get lost.

Ro is holding two cotton candies with one hand. To be honest, she doesn't like sweet things. But she hasn't had any food for a long time, licking cotton candies is a gift.

When she has cotton candies in her mouth, she will also feed Qin some cotton candy. She shall let the person who pays to hear his coins making a sound even though he was throwing them in the water.

'Too much sugar is not good for children's teeth.' Qin wipes the sugar on her hand and educates her verbally.

She is nicer in real life. She doesn't talk back and doesn't get mad. She looks cute even when she is not happy. Qin wants to pinch her cheeks. Her hair must feel good as well.

Yet, Qin presses his inner thoughts down. He is afraid that Ro will beat his last meal out if he did what he thought.

They see a person selling bunny ears. Qin wants to buy a pink one for Ro. Ro asks for two bunny sets, one black and one pink. Qin buys both. Once Ro gets the bunny ears, she turns around and puts the pink one on Qin.

Qin has no choice but to half squat to let her put the pink bunny ears on him.

Qin takes a few selfies of himself. He has some fraudulent calmness when he is not smiling. When he smiles, the bunny ears fit him well.

Ro with her black bunny ears has a lot more heart attack. She is like Qin, expressionless which makes people want to pinch her mock seriousness.

Her cheeks seem to be soft and tender. They must feel good.

Qin only takes a few photos of Ro's back. One of her hands is held by Qin. She seems to be interested in nothing and she keeps walking. She doesn't look like a kid of her age.

When Qin is dragged to a roller coaster by her, he sees the corners of her mouth are raised a little. He strongly questions whether the ears on her belong to a bunny or a demon.

It has been a decade since he played this last time. He vomited at that time. But he didn't eat much this time and he shouldn't lose too much of his face after this.

Even though he is LonelyLamp, he still screams when the roller coaster is going down from the highest point. Ro would have recorded his voice if others didn't scream more than him. She wants his fans to know what a famous voice actor's screaming is like.

There are tears at his eye corners. He feebly walks down from the game with the support of Ro. He seems stubborn, 'I think it was fine.'

Ro asks him to rest on the bench and she will get water for them. Even though the store is less than ten meters away, Qin is watching her and trying to find out who has the potential to kidnap kids.

The line is long but there aren't bad people to kidnap children, but there are some teenagers jeering around Ro.

'My princess is protected.' After Qin recovers from dizziness, he walks to her and looks down at these teenagers.

They apologized and Ro smiles, 'It is okay.' One of the teenagers looks back at her as they walk away. Ro smiles at him again.

'Oh my god someone is nicer to strangers than her shifu. How partial!'

'You are such a chunibyou!' Ro kicks Qin and Qin pinches her cheeks as a counterattack.

'Are you hungry? Shall we go find a place to eat?'

Ro nods and her attention is distracted.

They eat and continue to play and let themselves free just like other visitors. They take a lot of photos. Qin has realized that once people have a good look, they will fall in love with taking photos. Unconsciously, they have taken hundreds of photos.

After a Carousel, the Park is going to close. They stand in front of a fairytale-like castle.

'I am going home.'

'I can send you home.'

'Close your eyes. I will count three two one and you can open your eyes!' Qin closes his eyes and listens to Ro's counting.

Ro walks further and she counts one.

She walks further again and counts two.

She walks even further and counts three.

Qin opens his eyes and the firework in the park explodes in the air. He is surprised at this scene for a second and he looks at where Ro's voice came from. He only sees a blurry figure disappearing in the lights and shadows.

A card is blown up by the wind and falls to his feet.

It says Ro Ginger. It is neatly crafted with a caricature Ro picture on it. She is wearing her wine-red Lolita dress with her bare feet. She is looking down and has her hands on the back. She looks a little tsundere and she seems to be smiling like a little demon.

There is a character description below the picture: "I can fulfill one hundred wishes for you and you should fulfill one wish of mine."

"I wish you peace and worriless. The world shall treat you nice."

"Five Stars."

Qin holds the card tight and he couldn't find any shadows of Ro no matter which direction he runs to.

It is impossible that she could run faster than him.

The card has some remaining temperature of her.

Qin chuckles lightly.

He stands still for a while and goes back home alone.

Her phone number became a vacant number. Her accounts disappeared as well.

Only her blog remains. Her newest post is a short manga of a boy of pink bunny ears with a black bunny ear girl. There are some simple conversations. It is ordinary and warm.

The feast has ended.

Qin rests for a period of time and then he goes back to studying.

Ro never appears again. Her blog freezes. Qin still has her photos in his phones. He sometimes thinks that she is studying abroad or has gone somewhere else.

He has softened her shoes. He doesn't want them to have dust on so he puts them in the shoe box near the door.

Now, he lives alone. He is used to the quiet environment again and doesn't think his room is too hollow.

He is finally able to live in this world unruffled.

After a long time, when Qin becomes successful. He opens that wuxia game again and buys a lot of fireworks. Fireworks bloom in the air and his character and her character are standing together. They look at the fireworks for a long time.

That server has a few players left. Qin pauses there for a while and a newbie comes, 'Hi elite! Do you want a student?'


Qin goes back to his absence of mind.

Oh...It has been so long since that last newbie came to me.

Our meeting was a gift. I didn't expect we could stay together for the rest of my life. I believe you will live well that I have no other worries.

I thought I was unlucky since I was little. Then I believe that I had spent all my luck on meeting you. Even the farewell was like a dream.

I am still melancholy. Happy time goes away fast. Unhappy time is suffocating one second after another.

After losing a very important part in the life, the life may not go back to when it didn't have such part. At least, I have the courage to go into the world and begin my new life now.