Madman (1)

Connor was driving like a madman as he sped thru the roads not minding all the violations he might incur. He passed thru the red traffic lights like a blazing bullet, it was not a problem as his car was able to keep up with such a mad dash. He put the pedal to the metal while not thinking of the consequences. He only had one thought, and that was to find that one person who was the cause of all of his fury.

*Beep Beep Beep*

The angry sound of car horns were left behind due to his fast speed. Other drivers could not do anything to the fast car as it passed them one by one. They could only look at the tailgate of the car, wishing that they were able to capture the license plate of the said car. They shook their head thinking it was another youngster with a lot of money who was able to avoid the fines and fees due to being someone with authority.

Some even thought that the person who was driving was a son of a politician as he was able to do whatever he wanted on the national highway.

It was only natural for them to think that way, although it was something that will not be reported on national television, it was being hushed by people with authority, the common people were still able to get bits of information due to the social media. No matter how these politicians or rich people want to maintain their dignity in front of the masses, their names will still be smeared in mud once their family members do something against the law. There are some unknown sources that spread this kind of news all over the internet trying to disparage the rich and high powered people. Therefore the people who were able to watch the scene of this imported and luxurious car speeding through like a race car on the street is not something new to them.

Connor looked at his rear-view mirror as he heard all the car horns. They seemed like ants, it would be difficult for them to follow suit if they want to catch up with him. He scoffed at the people trying to make him stop and continued driving with the fastest speed possible.

"If you can catch up to me then I've paid a useless amount of money for your shitty cars to be able to catch up." Gone was the kind-hearted and caring man who was in front of Anne a little while ago. What was left was a domineering and arrogant expression as he looked at cheap manufactured cars he left behind.

You cannot tell from his expression alone if he truly despised those people. Was it considered arrogance that some rich people have to know that these common people could never amount or have the same status as them? Or was it the effect of his furious mind while having only one person in his mind. It was hard to tell as the vast difference between the two facets that's he showed was something only a person with split personality might have.

Connor finally stopped the car in front of a building. One could even say that this building is fairly familiar as it can be seen circulating in some local tabloid news. It was the same building where Timothy's picture was taken by a certain paparazzi that night which caused the big fight with Anne.

In front of this 10 story building which was illuminated with bright lights was filled with lights. People are still coming and going even though it was already late. It was understandable as this research facility is open 24 hours to cater to the researchers who like to spend their every waking hour in their research.

The whole building and its surroundings were well lit, some people noticed the speeding car as it parked in front of the building entrance. Some of the employees who were coming in and out of the building looked at the car that parked in front of their building. It was eye-catching as the car was very expensive. Something that they will not be able to afford even if they save all the money they earn as researchers. They talked with hush tones as they gaze at the car with envy. They were waiting for the driver to walk out of the car.

Original novel by Chuchuwachuwa.