Chapter 1: Reincarnation into Earth

Freedom. A pretty word isn't it? Not until you've experienced this harsh world where wars were waged, chaos reigned, famine and disease were widespread. It's the same every age in this world. Alone here in the cold, I'll die without even knowing my parents, not having any friends and never having any lover. If I had regrets then that would be that I didn't struggle enough. Enough to change my fate. Heed my words God, world, and destiny, If I you were all to give me chance to live again then I will break away from my limits and break thy fate itself!

As my thoughts begin to dim and become hazy all I saw was a world of white and a wisp of light that burns ever so weakly like as if it was me. I pity it. I pity the existence of this white light because.... it was the same as me. Fighting to survive the cold and harsh world. As I was having these thoughts, it entered my heart and God knows what will it do. Well, I'm going to die anyway.

Then I heard an archaic voice. "So you called out to me" said the unknown voice. Okay, this is crazy but I've read about this type of stories before when the world was thrown into chaos like reincarnation or being given another life and live in another world.

"Yes you are right about what you are thinking" said the unknown voice.

I started to freak out "Uhhh are you God?" I said.

"In your language, yes I am called God but it is one of my many names" said God. Really... I am talking to what could be the highest existence right now I guess and he is really formless.

"So you are reincarnating me and sending to another world?" I asked. Silence filled the room as I asked that question as I stare into this white scenery.

"Hmmm yes" God said.

"For what price?" I asked.

Others might be thinking that I'm mad but there is no free lunch in this world even if it is God there is bound to be a price for my reincarnation.

Then... God laughs loudly. "I expected this as you had a harsh world but do you really think that you can even pay a price?" God said.

That's right. I don't have anything precious even after I died. I even had to fight others just to have food with when the war started. Even though I was kinda well off when I had experience still, I died in the war with no one to remember me, to mourn for me, to miss me like I was just a cannon fodder. No, I 'was' a cannon fodder. How arrogant of me to say that. This is God that we are talking about. What could I possibly offer?

"Then why me?" I asked.

"Because out of the 3 billion that died in the war only 20 of you had so much conviction to break their own fate" God so said. Of course, I wasn't the only one.

"What happened to other 19 people?" I asked out curiosity.

"They're already in the other world," God said. So I was the last one.

"Now I will bestow you two blessings and you may choose now" God said.

"Before I choose what my blessings are, do I retain my memories if I reincarnate?" I asked.

"I was gonna tell you that after you choose your blessings but no you do not retain your memories," God said.

"2nd question. What kind of world will I reincarnate into?" I asked.

"It would be the same type of world you reincarnated into but not the world you used to live in and with the addition of blessings that I gave to you 20 people" God answered.

"3rd question. Is there any restriction or limit to blessings?" I asked.

"Yes, there are restrictions like no magic or skills but I blessings can bestow talents that are maybe subpar but are within the understandings of the world" God answered.

"And here I thought I was going to have an overpowered skill but I do have a rough understanding now" I said

"Mmmn. So have you taught about your blessings?" God asked.

"Yes. The first blessing would be retaining my memories from my reincarnation. Is that possible?" I said.

"Well as long as it isn't anything crazy like magic or immortality then yes" God said

"Then the second blessing would be bestowing me unparalleled talent in the understanding of science making it possible for me even to build a time machine" I said

"Interesting. This is why I gave humans cognitive ability. You've thought about it very well" God said.

"I wish I could have asked for absolute freedom" I said feeling regretfully.

"You know that's impossible because humans are inherently good and evil and giving them much freedom would only result in the imbalance of the world itself" God said.

"Well anyways you are going to a planet called Earth" God continued as he showed the image of the earth

"So that's the name of the name of this beautiful planet. Blue and green. Looks peaceful unlike the world I came from" I said

"It had its fair share of wars and actually they had better means of weaponry and science" God said like it was natural

"Even in this world huh? *sigh* humans are really humans" I said.

"But you are too human, Leonides Prescott" God rebutted.

"Yes and this time I will have to thoroughly understand our nature" I said

I bowed down and said " Thank you for hearing me, God."

"Now go and live and break your predetermined faith in that world, Leonides" God said.

" I won't let you down, God." Leonides said.

As Leonides body or rather his projection of soul was being projected to Earth, the background somehow distorted and formed a figure of an old man staring at the void. No one really knows what God stared at but he muttered one thing "A human entering the domain of time? None has ever made it back but you shall be an interesting one, Leonides."