Regretful Decisions

A group of traders was sitting in a conference room; some were arguing, some were silent, and others were joyful. Michael Rodriguez needed to respond to the angry traders with caution.

" First let me address the training. I have already provided the resources necessary for you to learn about trading. I don't intend to babysit anyone. Secondly, I am not forcing anyone to sign the contract. I am showing you the contract early so that you can decide if you want to sign it. If you don't like it, then don't sign it." Michael replied.

" That is bullshit. If we wanted to just learn on our own, then we could get a textbook from the library and learn from home. We would not need to drive to work every day. We joined the company so that we can learn from experienced traders." Rick shouted.

Michael sneered at Rick's response. Rick conveniently forgot to mention that the traders were getting paid $1,200 per week to learn. If he tried to study on his own at home then who would pay the salary? Furthermore, Michael had specifically written the textbook while giving tips from his own experiences. It was a more effective trading guide compared to all other stock trading guides.

" Leave! You are Fired." Michael ordered. He did not want to deal with this crybaby anymore.

" What you are firing me! Fuck you! I will sue you for discrimination and fraud. You mother******." Rick completely lost control.

Michael called the security guards and they escorted Rick off the premises. They threw all his stuff in a box and tossed it outside the gates after disabling his ID Badge.

Michael turned to the other traders. " Anybody else?"

All other members of the Angry Faction got up and walked out. In reality, Michael had been keeping an eye on all the traders over the past two weeks. He knew that Rick had been trying to convince the others to join his side. He was telling them that he would bargain for more pay and better benefits as long as they supported him. Michael knew that some people were greedy and never had enough; if you gave them an inch then they would ask for a mile.

Michael was not worried about firing Rick and his cronies. One of the reasons he chose Texas to do business was because it was a "Work at Will" state. Any employee can quit at any time and the employer can also fire people at any time. Of course, it was different if they had already signed contracts, then he would not be able to fire without a valid reason. So he was glad that this spectacle happened now.

Michael counted the remaining traders; out of the initial 25, only 19 traders were left. " Let's take a 15-minute break and I will continue the presentation." Michael dismissed them. He went to see Cindy in order to explain what happened. He wanted to make sure that she was prepared in case idiot Rick decided to file a lawsuit.

Cindy was surprised to learn about the incident. Michael took her to the security room and showed her the video footage. She laughed at Rick's reaction and assured Michael that he had nothing to worry about. Once this footage was revealed in court, the judge would immediately dismiss any lawsuits.

Michael was really happy with Cindy's performance. She had already hired an assistant and was developing the legal department on her own. They kept talking for a while.


Melvin Conner was smoking a cigarette while thinking about today's events. He had always wanted to be a stock trader but was rejected by the major investment firms because of his lack of experience. He had started an internship at Empyreal Holdings two weeks ago. So far he had enjoyed the first two weeks. He was able to learn at his own pace without having to meet weekly goals or having to worry about performance reports.

Today, the owner introduced the employment contracts and some of his coworkers started fighting. Melvin liked the contract because it would give him a secure job for the next five years. The salary and benefits were excellent. He hoped that he would be offered the contract at the end of the internship.

Melvin's thoughts shifted to his eccentric boss; Honestly, he had tremendous respect for Michael. There were rumors going around that Rick had connections to local gangs; however, Michael stood up to Rick without flinching.

Melvin knew that there was more to Michael than what appeared on the surface. He had occasionally talked to the employees from their sister company and learned about the remarkable success of their first game. Melvin felt like Michael was the type of person that could be a successful trader; someone who could boldly stand in the face of adversity and fight it head-on. He was the type of leader Melvin wanted to learn from.

Melvin threw away the cigarette and headed back to the conference room; he did not want to miss the next part of the presentation.

Michael started by passing out some folders; each folder had a trader's name on it. Melvin noticed that there were six folders that Michael did not pass out; he could guess who those folders were meant for. Michael waited for everyone to pick their own folder and then dropped a bomb on everyone.

" The folders contain the account details for your live accounts. From now on you will practice with real money. Each account has $100,000 in it. The accounts will be locked; however, you are free to trade anything that is available from the broker." Michael announced.

Melvin felt dizzy after hearing Michael's announcement. This was half a million dollars! He could buy several houses with this money and Michael was just giving it away for practice. He knew that Michael would give real money accounts for practice but he never expected this much. If Michael gave half a million dollars for practice then how much would he give once training is over?

Melvin noticed all the other traders were having a similar reaction. Then he remembered the idiots that walked out minutes ago and threw away such a tremendous opportunity. They should have at least stayed for the whole presentation. Once they learn about this, they will probably die of regret.

Michael finished the presentation and dismissed the traders. Melvin could barely hold his excitement in as he walked to his desk. He was finally going to be a real trader.