Looking for the Thief

Looking for the Thief

Red bought Vladimir, Leo, James and Marvin with him to solve the case, while he left Vanessa in the club room. Red thought that, because Vanessa is good at technology, then she's not fitted for this type of cases.

Although he left her in the club room, Red still realized that Vanessa was looking at them through the CCTV cameras of Dream Academy. Obviously, she hacked it. But it was still useless when they came inside Adrian's classroom.

If a classroom only had a CCTV camera like the hallway, solving this case will be really easy because they only needed to look at the CCTV footage of the classroom. But if that was the case, Red and his squad will still be in there club room, thinking of a way to kill their boredom.

When Red got inside, he was surprised to find out that everyone was standing on the side of the room, and not a single thing was moved after the stealing happened.

Adrian noticed the surprise in Red's eyes, so he said "Our classrooms President thought of this idea." Adrian pointed at a girl.

The girl was also beautiful like Vanessa, the only difference was that, Vanessa has a straight hair and looks like an ideal girlfriend, while this girl has a curvy pony tailed hair, and she looks really fierce. But her fierceness only made her more beautiful.

James eyes immediately lit up, as if he found himself a diamond.

James approached the girl and said. "Hi miss, I really appreciate your idea of not moving anything in the crime scene. I'm James, a member of Return of the King Detective Club. May I have the honor to know your name?" James extended his hand. His lines totally fitted his title, playboy.

The girl looked at James hand for a moment before she approached Red. Because the girl ignored him, James was left in a really awkward place. Why does he always receive all the beautiful girl?! James felt like crying, yet no tears appeared in his eyes.

Leo and Vladimir, on the side was laughing so hard that they're clutching their stomach. What a pitiful fellow!

"Thank you for making them stay in the side. But actually, it's unnecessary. It's just a simple case of stealing, even the weakest detective can solve this crime. "Red truthfully said.

"What do you mean?" The fierce girl asked. She was curious to know why her action is unnecessary.

"To simply put it, you can make everyone here form a line. Girls over there and boys over here, then you use that curtain "Red pauses while pointing at the classrooms curtain, and continued. "To make a cover, to separate them from each other. "

"Next, you will assign a girl you trust to do a full body check to the girls, and a boy you trust to do full body check to the boys. While you're having a full body check, you will assign 3 classmates of yours that you trust, to check every bags. "

"That will only annoy everyone." The fierce girl said. She was telling the truth, just making them stand on the side has already annoyed them, how much more making them do a full body check.

"If that's the case... "Red looked at his squad.

"Leo, go call Vanessa. James and Vladimir, go do a full body check to the boys in the comfort room. Marvin, go check each bag." Leo, James, Vladimir and Marvin nodded at the same time. If they're annoyed, then let them be! This fierce girl can't do it because she cares about her image, but I don't!

Leo got out for a few seconds before going inside again. "I signalled her through the CCTV." Hearing that, Red smiled. Smart move!

"All the boys form a line here!" James shouted. Soon, all the boys followed and formed a line. Next, they slowly walked to the comfort room.

It only leave the girls inside the classroom. Marvin looked at Red. Red nodded and Marvin then started checking the bag. But before he can open a bag, someone suddenly interrupted him.

"Hey what are you doing?!!" A girl suddenly shouted. Obviously, it was her bag that Marvin was going to open.

"Checking the bags." Marvin stated the obvious. Hearing that, every girl laughed. Girl, didn't you heard what they've talk about a while ago?

"No! I'm not allowing you!" The girl exclaimed. The fierce girl in Red's side was immediately annoyed when she heard what the girl said.

"If you don't allow them to check your bag, it only means that you're the one who stole the money." The fierce girl said while crossing her arms. Showing everyone her bad girl side.

"But Miya-" the girl was going to keep on refusing, but she was suddenly interrupted by Red's voice.

"Continue with it. I'll handle everyone who tries to stop you!" Red coldly said. Red was saying those words to Marvin, to make him continue checking each bag.

Marvin understood what Red meant, so he immediately opened the bag and started his search. The girl who refused to let Marvin open her bag was left helpless on the side. She doesn't have any choice. She knows that she's not the one who stole the $1000, but if she continue refusing, she might become the suspect or worst become the thief.

Marvin finished checking that bag, so he proceeded to the next. He continued with it until Vanessa arrived.

"Red!!" Vanessa jumped to hug Red. Red only shook his head and let Vanessa hug him. He was helpless, if he move to the side Vanessa will possibly hug the floor.

"That's enough. Can you do a full body check with the girls?" Red asked Vanessa. Vanessa was confused but she still nodded. And went to the girls to do the full body check, full body check is easy, but what for?

"Good, you and Miya will do a full body check to all of the girls in the female comfort room."

Hearing that, Vanessa finally understood why Red wanted her to do a full body check. Since it's a stealing case, then putting the money behind the clothes is possible.

"All the girls please form a line!" Miya said. All the girls hesitated for bit before following what Miya said. They have no other choice, 1000$ is a big amount for a student. Maybe it was to pay for Ben's tuition or maybe an emergency money. But they realized that after this, they'll make the thief suffer and make Ben buy them some snacks for compensation.

Girls, creatures that are hard to understand!

Soon, the girls left the classroom. It only left Red and Marvin inside.

Suddenly Red broke the silence and asked "For you, who do you think is the thief?"

This was Red's original intention, to make everyone leave. Marvin was an assassin, so stealing was also something he does. It was like Red asking a professional how a newbie will possibly act.

Marvin stopped his search and looked at Red with a smile.

"If I was the thief, I won't put the money in such obvious place." Marvin said before walking behind the whiteboard.

"A thief such as the one were dealing with, will possibly hide the money to some hidden places inside the classroom. Then, she will get it again when it's finally their dismissal time. "Marvin said before looking around behind the whiteboard. Soon, Marvin found the 1000$.

"Good!" Red happily said.

"Now it's time to set up the thief" Red slyly smiled. Marvin was also smiling.

"Such smart person, is really deserving of the title uncrowned King of City R. " Marvin murmured before walking to Red.

Nobody heard it aside from Marvin.