One of My Neighbor's Cat Died

20XX, October XX; Home

I killed it. Well, not intentionally.

Oh, Sean here again, it's been a few days since I wrote. It's Friday now, before the school trip and I'm excited to stay outside and not at home. It would be fine with me if I can bring Eli but it's not allowed. So dad will be leaving him again in the daycare.

For the trip, we will have to meet up at school early, before sunrise I think. I hope I can get up that early. So I decided to be good again today in case dad take back his permission. I don't think it's possible but it's better to be safe.

So, last Monday, I was going home early, walking through the park alone. Dad will be the one to get Eli from daycare. And I heard cats fighting. You know, that meowing and growling that's really scary and it's getting dark and I'm alone at the park.

I decided to run faster but the way was actually where the fighting is. That monster cat before was actually wounded fighting another big cat. I was thinking of where to go next that was safe when the cats noticed me.

So that monster cat stared at me, maybe remembering what happened last week. And while he was distracted, the other cat swiped at it then ran so fast.

I think the monster cat was going to chase after that other one but I made a noise. Well, I was shocked so I gasped. Can't control it, really. You will be scares too.

Well, I guess the cat decided to fight me then and ran towards me. Good thing I reflexibly raised by foot and kicked it. It actually flew far and crashed in the tree trunk then fel into the pond. I waited for a few minutes but there was no movement in the water.

I don't wanna get wet so of course I didn't try to check. I got home and didn't tell anybody. The cat was a monster and I wouldn't have it cause my dad to take back his permission on the school trip and it was 'self-defense'.

A few days after that, I think the park janitor found it because of the smell. They all thought it fought with the strays and it WAS true. Mrs. Chancy though, was really upset. She asked the police and local government to take out all the strays in the park so they wouldn't hurt the other pet cats.

Good thing they never realized it was me.