It's Better for Me to Write here But...

20XX, October 7; Konner House

Hello! Sean here and it's been a few days since the incident with uncle. He was jailed of course and still awaiting trial. I heard he'll plead guilty since aunt also told him to.

My problem now is that aunt wanted me to talk to a child psychologist. She told us that we will still stay with her but maybe not this house again. But I really don't have a problem with the house. I'm glad Eli and I don't have to be passed to another relative again. And a new house could mean a new school and being in a new middle school environment will be difficult.

So, the psychologist. I heard mom went to some before when she had depression. But I don't know what they do. Do they actually help? Then what was different with mom when it didn't help her? Is the psychologist mom had not good? Then how sure are they that who they will have me talk to is good? But do I even need one? It's not like I'm depressed with what happened. Well, it's still weird for me to trust adults.

It's actually better for me to talk (or to write) here if it's just telling my problems when I want to. And it's free.

Well, I guess I still have to go. Aunt was really insisting it. Maybe she was feeling guilty or something since she was only concerned about Eli before but I'm hoping she won't bother me as much as she bothers Eli. Besides, I'm used to it. At least I don't have to take care of Eli anymore with our parents not taking care of us like before.

Oh, and aunt wants me to focus more on my club and be more friendly at school. Same as dad actually. Well, they're cousins so... And I just realized that both of them weren't lucky with who they married. I hope that won't happen to me.

And she wants us to talk, like, every dinner, about our day and if we have concerns with school or the house or each other. She also doesn't want me to stay in my room all the time. I really won't have a time and reason to write here. Unless there is still something I wouldn't be able to tell anybody. Well, I'll write here if there is.

That's all.