I Wish I can do a 'Carrie'

20XX, November 25, Wednesday; Konner House, My Room

I should have known I was jinxing myself with what I wrote last time.

All I can say now is that Luke had a lot, I mean almost all, of the female students in our school like him. Even some of the guys too, maybe. Then, what does that mean for me, the student who managed to have an affair with him?

The thing is that it was never announced what happened between us. That a student actually saw us making out in the club room or something. What more if they knew how far I've gone with him. If that did spread, I'll probably be dead or in an accident now. Please don't let them know.

I think Nicole just told some subtle rumors to some people about how close we were, how we always stay alone in the club room after practice, how he singles me out during meetings too. And it spread. Then, the rest just speculated. Of course there was no proof but it was kind of obvious with the current situation now. Luke was leaving earlier than expected and we never talk to each other alone anymore.

The worst was that most of the girls bothering me were from the drama club and my grade. Bothering was too mild a word to describe what they were doing but you can get the gist of it. It's not like it's a new situation in any stories.

Almost nobody talks to me now, probably afraid what others may think or do to them too. Not like I care. I've only talked to Nicole and Luke anyway if it was not anything about school or the club.

The annoying thing though was that most of the menial tasks were passed to me more. I mean, even the junior staffs were in on it. At least they were not like kids who throw food at me like that one in my elementary school but I never thought those freshmen had the nerve to order someone older than them, and in a higher position.

I guess this means that most of the club members were like Nicole, joining the club because of Luke. Then, hopefully, they will also leave when he left. Less incompetent people in the club. Good for me.

But I'm concerned if they will follow him to his university too. That was the plan Nicole told me when we were still talking, in case Luke took graduate studies too so she'll have a chance to see him more. Not stalker like or anything. She also had ambition in her mind aside from boys.

Well, I'm concerned because I still plan to enter that school. It's a great university and I believe I can pass for their Literature course. Yeah, I decided to continue this writing thing. Or maybe go into editing.

Oh, one last thing, I even saw some of them trying to get closer to Luke like they think they have a chance now since he was together with me before, as what was rumored. We'll really never know if they have a chance. But, as some say, "Break a leg!"