Chapter 33 : A Girl In The Window

Sora spent the next few hours playing and feeding fishies and hams his little kitten and then went towards his home where he played with his little sisters.... eat with his family and then went to his room to pass the night....

As for Ichigo just when he was found and was alive and kicking he dropped dead yet again from laughing at Sora who got trolled by The System....

Hours Passed and the night fell on the world while inside a room in a human was sitting there in meditation when he heard the system sound alarm...


System: Ding!! Sub Quest Triggered!!

Kick Rukia Out Of The Window Without Her Noticing!!!

Rewards: 5.000 EXP / 1000 Soul Points


Sora was starting to release his reiatsu slowly but steady so he can draw a few hollows and with that attract Rikia here faster... on another room, Isshin and Masaki were puzzled about Ichigo's behaviour they had the same thought and curiosity..... why is he doing all that...!!!!

Sora knew his parents will be able to feel him as he knew that they had restored their powers... but that didn't stop him, he was raising the intensity of his reiatsu and eventually somewhere on this town a figure appeared with as she senses that much reiatsu leaking she was thinking which idiot was causing this...

She left from where she was standing and went towards the center of the leak but then suddenly it vanished she couldn't locate it anymore and landed on the closest window she could find surprising enough it was the Kurosaki's window...

She ended up getting inside feeling not an ounce of reiatsu from any people living here but she could sense they had powerful souls especially the boy in the room he was off the charge while sleeping soundlessly....

Sora, on the other hand, he had long prepared a along with so that something completely out of her imagination will happen.... As she was about to leave she sensed a gust of chill wind that lightly pushed her..... first gently then harder out of the window feeling pain when she fell on the ground....

As she was standing up she had question marks on her head that they kept saying how the hell a gust of wind threw her off.... It was out of the norm that something with only 1 in trillion may happen and it happened to her....

She didn't have enough time to think about it as she could sense many hollows approaching that would be troublesome if she didn't take care of them now.....

Sora had already waked up and was staring at her with no sex appeal at all he had heard a few alarms from completion of the Sub Quest and while he was happy he heard someone behind him..

Yoruichi: "Aya boya where do you keep your fishies..."

Sora: "What happened you fell for me and came late at night and tell stories on my bed???"

Yoruichi: "If you want me to only sleep with you i have no problem with that but you better don't do anything funny..."

Sora: "I never said anything about funny things does this mean you want that kind of thing??"

Yoruichi blushed when she realized that she dug her grave in front of him.... Sora saw her trying to hide her embarrassment and was very pleased.... He also heard the completion of the Sub Quest to train her..... And As he was preparing to go inside with her for a few funny things he froze from the alarms in his mind.....