Chapter 38 : A Typical Day Before School

As Sora left the house he could hear a few complaints from his sisters towards his parents, he could only let it pass as he went to meet Sado..... As a Schoolboy from what he saw in the Log of The System Ichigo is short-tempered, strong-willed, and impulsive and always chased Girls.

Despite claiming not to care about what other people think about him, he attempts to maintain a certain image. He generally keeps his face set in a near-permanent scowl, with his eyebrows drawn together. His outspoken, hot-headed demeanour is a trait Ichigo himself has gained from the memories he got from me, and if somebody picks a fight with him, he cannot help screw them back.

He refers to his teachers as "instructors" and doesn't really speak with others other that Sado, Keigo and only if a girl tries to approach him or he wants to take some liberties from them.

Despite all that he is still genuinely compassionate and empathetic towards others, especially to others souls and he tries to cheer them so that they won't become a Hollow from sorrow and regrets by bringing them flowers, toys of planes or something to soothe others when they become upset.

Ichigo is still a capable student, ranked 23rd in his year at school, who studies regularly and does not neglect his schoolwork. He works as hard as he does to overcome the misconceptions as many have based on his hair colour and fighting. Ichigo hated fortune telling, horoscopes, feng shui, but now it's a different approach for him... as he saw my memories....

Sora: "Well from what i could tell he didn't change that much from his original character the only thing that took massive change was his obsession of taking liberties with girls and believing in the unknown.... apart from that he still helps his friends when in trouble... always respond when someone picks a fight... And he helped even more souls passing away is it because he himself became one???"

Having read the Log in The System about Ichigo everyday school life he had a hard time deciding if he should destroy his image or keep it there weren't many major events most of them were deleted from history as he changes the timelines and made the original MC a Zanpakuto....

As time passed he reached Karakura High School where he met up with everyone talking about studies girls and the likes he saw Tatsuki coming along with Inoue and at the gate was Inoue's brother....

As they passed him in order to go to class Tatsuki had a disgusting look on her face when he looked at Sora who had the appearance of Ichigo while Inoue was looking with a sad/complicated look on her face that took noticed for about a second before they left.....

Sora: "Should i give my portable physical clone gigai i got from the quest to Ichigo and restore my appearance??? well, not many have been informed of this only Urahara, Yoruichi and definitely my parents but i still haven't told them myself...."

Sora: "Sigh...pfffpfpfpfppfpfp..... I will leave it for the future.."

As the sound of the class was heard and everyone was going inside to take their seats... Sora saw a student very well versed in his uniform, wearing glasses looking at him like a provocation.....

And before he even tried to ignore him something stopped his from not ignoring him...


System: Ding!! Sub Quest Triggered!!!

Challenge Uryu Ishida With Your Pride As Quincies In A Target Practice Hollow Event.

Rewards: 5 Levels / 2000 Soul Points / 2 x Shards Of History
