Chapter 121 : Meeting Aizen

As the door opened Sora made a deadpan poker face in order to get out of here alive...

Hinamori: "Captain Aizen i have brought him here..."

Aizen: "Good work!!!"

Hinamori: "YES!!!"

Sora saw her happy like face and sighed inwardly thinking about the Quest he had for her, he stepped forward and bowed towards his new Captain.

Sora: "Greetings Captain Aizen!!! 3rd Seat Officer Xiaolan Sora Reporting For Duty!!!"

Aizen: "Oh!! Interesting, i thought you hated formal kinds of stuff..."

Sora: "Well it's my first time so i should make an image of myself being respectful..."

Aizen: "Xmnmn You are right... Amusing as is..!!!"

Aizen kept looking at him and Sora had his head bowed down in order to show his respect, Aizen couldn't find something except the ones he learned from those three, He was certain that this kid in front of him was the one who somehow messed up with his Shikai causing him to fail many times before finally controlling the other 3 and learned what he had done in Hueco Mundo....

He learned that he fired a 90 plus Kido Arts, saved a former Espada, and showed extreme hostility making other abandon the idea to enter the Tears and even gave them 3 freaking books to make a deal...

He learned all these from them, but he didn't saw them himself... Aizen was boiling because he had also learned that in order to save that Espada he used a round crystal bluish sphere.....

That was the freaking Hogyoku, and he used it without sparing even a second thought for Her!!!! Now that Espada had more value to him than any other failure Arrancar he had created....

As Aizen was thinking about all that, Sora was a step ahead of him he had already filled the room with Doors and a Clone was waiting for him next to Aizen....

At the worst case scenario, he will fight with everything he has and let's hope the heaven hadn't abandoned him....

Aizen saw and felt nothing wrong in the room they were currently in and told Hinamori to leave them....

Aizen: "Vice Captain Hinamori that's enough for now if i need anything i'll call you.."

Hinamori: "Yes!!!!"

Hinamori then left the room leaving them behind, Sora inside his mind he was cursing Aizen but on the outside, he continues with his farse of Bowing...

Aizen: "There is no need to bow anymore...."

Sora: "Yes!!!!"

Sora then stood up and saw Aizen looking at him with a smile on his face, as he was still cursing inside him, he made a puzzled face outside.... and then he heard Aizen speak...

Aizen: "First of all congrats on your promotion!!! and second of all i have a mission for you...."

Fuck @#@$@$!@$#@#$ he's playing with me on the first day!!!!!!

Sora: "What mission Captain???"

Aizen: "The students who graduated together with you have created their own unique Kido's but you should know that with your blades and small doors you can't match up to them...."

This @!#!@#!#$ his hitting my nerves!!!!! i'm certain now he was the one who created them!!! God DAMN IT!!!!!!! and he has the guts to say it in my face....

Sora: "And how's that related to my mission???"

Aizen: "It Does because your mission will be to use 6 months and Create a Counter Kido for those 4???"

Sora started sweating and Aizen saw it and he thought i have him now, but Sora's next words facepalmed him....

Sora: "EeeHHH Captain isn't that impossible?? it took me 1 year to create 3 of them and i haven't mastered them yet... but create 4 and within 6 months????"

Ohhhhh!!!!! Did I rushed??? He's right he did create 3 of them within a year it aligns with what the others told me....