Chapter 179 : Thunder Fists Vs Flame Fists!!!

Byakuya was stunned by the sheer power of her punch.... Urahara and Isshin were thinking wasn't that a bit way too much?? As a way to pent-up anger??

Around 100 meters away being buried in a wall Sora 2 was holding his face and groaning in pain.. the last thing he remembers was her whispering something to him, and then a yellow freaking flash that surprising enough it was digitalized (-13.000 HP)....

A few seconds passed before he waked up in pain and find himself nailed in the wall... he realized he ate her punch in his face as it was hurting like hell and blood dripped from his mouth... and the amount of damage he took was freaking a little over than 1/3 of his Health....

As a clone he had around 36.000 HP 90% of original Sora.. to lose that much in a single punch was she trying to become One Punch Woman??? How much she wanted to kill me??

He stopped thinking and burst out of there as he was panting and used Shunpo to return back where he was...

Although all that took around 10 seconds Yoruichi started sweating, thinking something unbelievable in her mind... and turned to ask the others....

Yoruichi: "Eeeeehh did i kill him??"

3 figures were watching her sweating and all of their thoughts got in synch... If You Just Wanted To Make Him Unable To Fight... WHY PUNCH HIM IN HIS FACE THAT HARD!!!!! YOU OBVIOUSLY WANTED TO KILL HIM!!!

It was then they felt his reiatsu but before anyone could react he appeared in front of Yoruichi with a side way Divine Blade in his hand and smashed it in her whole body which resulted in her flying this time...

Sora 2: "That hurt..... like hell lady...."

Byakuya: "It's the first time i see you in such a condition even when we fought you had a better face..."

Sora 2: "Beat it, Captain..... Change of targets..... I'm fighting her..... you take the rest...."

Before Byakuya could retort his annoyance at him, he heard along with the others heard her voice along with a cold tone...

Yoruichi: "What a coincidence i was thinking of changing targets myself... Boy!!!!"

Sora 2: "I'm older than you KID.... so you better respect that..."

Sora 2: " Tengoku Gyakusatsu-Sha"

His clothes were shredded and then an attire similar to Ichigo's Bankai was formed bursting in black flames....

Byakuya: "That's your Shikai?? how can you fight with that??"

Sora 2: "Come on Kid let's see how strong you really are...."

Yoruichi's eyes started glittering with thunderous sparks and crackles of thunder could be heard around her body... she was deadly pissed....

Yoruichi: "Kid Kid Kid.... You're getting on my nerves..... ...."

Brroooouummm a crystal white aura shredded her clothes revealing a tight black shirt underneath them making her even sexier than before....

Yoruichi: "You better not cry later....."

Sora 2: "Yeah I'll cry..... I'll cry from laugher beating you...."

Yoruichi charged her fists with as much thunder she could and Sora 2 channelled his flames in his fists leaving smaller density caver his body.... They had totally forgotten the guys as they watched them getting ready...

Both of them looked at each other and at that moment a little far away an explosion was heard by Ichigo and Renji... and it was also the signal for their bout....

They disappeared from there and appeared far above in the sky inches away from each other and punched with all their might.....

Sora 2: " OOOOOOrrrriiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "

Yoruichi : "AAAAAAiiirrrararararraraa "

Two and two fists clashed with each other at point zero, their Reiatsu got converge smaller and smaller and a sphere was created between their two fists....

Crack crack that sphere exploded like thunder and from within raging waves of black flames and yellow thunder engulfed them with fates Unknown.....