Chapter 236 : Inviting!!!

Sora saw many needles flying at him but he didn't bother at all... not even when he was closed inside with them with a Barrier like stone walls....

Sora: "Wasn't this two technique used on Amagai??"

Sora: "If i remember correctly he used his Bakkoto to get out... so it must have some kind of defensive power right??"

Sora: "Let's raise my reiatsu a bit to see if they will crumble away...."

As he said so he started raising his Reiatsu making the space treble at the pressure of it but what surprised him was that the wall didn't budge at all....

Sora: "Oh interesting..... how about my blades!!!"

He created a Blade and then slashed in the inner walls of it..... Clang!!!!! he barely scratched it.....

Sora: "Oh well..... Eat and Drink, Devour and Swallow.... Tengoku Gyakusatsu-Sha"

As he activated his Shikai a burst of flames engulfed the space inside and instantly on the outside the saw the barrier like stone felt away...

Rurichiyo: "No way!!!!"

Ryusei: "Princess Run!!"

Rusaburo: "Princess Go!!!"

Sora: "Why the hurry?? i actually want to invite you guys inside my house....."

Sora: "Oh and can't you please stop this.... if i raise anymore my Reiatsu the humans around us will probably die....."

All of them were speechless.... Eeeeh then you're not the enemy???

Rurichiyo: "Then you're not aftering me??"

Sora: "After you??? I'm sorry i have a few girlfriends already i'm not interested in kids with bear panties...."

Sora bowed as an apology to her that he's not interested in chasing her.... and she was pissed and blushed at the same time!!!

Rurichiyo: "You!!! don't you know who i am??"

Sora: "A Runaway homeless kid??"

Rurichiyo: "Ughhh!!!!"

Rusaburo and Ryusei had their eyes and ears popped out.... they saw their little princess being bashful and throw a tantrum right in front of them....

Sora: "So care for a vacation trip??"

Rurichiyo: "What kind of vacation???"

Sora: "Dunno yet i was planning a trip with my little sisters.... and then search for you.... but you came earlier.... therefore let's go all of us...."

Rurichiyo was stunned.... ehhhhhh.... with his family... nononono i can't!!!! i'll get pregnant!!!!! too soon too soon.....

Sora could see that she had become red.... and at that point, he thought..... Oh yeah!!! she will think like that.....

Sora: "No no you'll come as a guest, not as my girl..... i told you i already have a few girlfriends and i have no interest in you....."

Rurichiyo almost fainted.... she realised she jumped in the wrong accusation since he had stated earlier.... she became red but this time from anger for daring to reject her a second time...

Sora: "Well if you want to come in..."

Sora then walked in his house by hiding his Reiatsu and fused with the clone he had in his Gigai....

Sora: "Yuzu - Karin get here for a bit....!!!!"

Yuzu: "What is it Sora-Ni!!"

Karin: "Baka-oni what is it now??"

Sora: "Those guys outside left... and i thought of going on a road trip..... do you girls have something in your minds???"

Sparks ignited in their eyes when they heard about the trip.... and both yelled in unison

Both: "We wanna come as well!!!!"

Sora: "Wow!!!! such passion!!!!

Sora: "Then get ready..."

Yeah yeah yeah..... they started jumping here and there..... outside the 3 others could hear their voices and thought.... this guy wasn't joking????