Chapter 262 : Winner Or Loser!!!

AS the both of them used what they could to kill countless Hollows as they were fighting themselves....

Lisa was trying to keep him away and sometimes she used the Hollows as shields or covers.... and Sora was burning them with nothing left behind....

Sora: "Slow slow too slow...."

Sora: ""

Sora was having trouble to catch her as with her mask, her speed was doubled.... therefore he activated his Doors and started vanishing and appearing on her field of sight!!!

Lisa: "What the!!!!"

She felt a tug on her shoulder and instantly kicked backwards smashing a Hollow with the force of her kick.....

Sora: "Damn i almost had you...."

Sora: "This time i'll speed up even more..."

When Lisa heard this she saw him entering the void so fast that she thought they were more than one...

In reality, she guesses correctly as Sora used his clone... Sora 2 to go with him a bit slower in order to make her believe the shadows were afterimages.... but in reality, they were those two.....

Sora appeared in front of her and tried to take her mask off only to be greeted by her spear.....

Lisa: "Nijū Ichijō Tonbokudari : Dragonfly Landing"

Lisa thrust her spear so fast that you could see many after images of her Shikai..... Sora managed to avoid all of them but the last strike scratched his palm who was not covered by the flames....

Sora: "Che..."

Shinji who was watching from afar he was shocked to see Lisa getting this serious... the only this she hasn't done yet was to fire a Cero.....

When Sora was scratched he saw a few of his shadows didn't bleed immediately but has 1-2 seconds time gap after entering the void and exiting from there only then did they bleed.....

Shinji: "What the hell??"

Shinji: "Did I imagine it??"

Shinji was watching with much more observation now than before... 3 minutes and something has gone by and all hollows had seen their maker.....

Neither had dealt any damage to each other only small burns and wounds.... Sora, when he was touching her, didn't even have to speak Gyaku stopped the devour forte and simply burned her....

While Lisa was trying hard to throw him off balance... not only that her mask started to crack indicating she's reaching the 5 minutes Limit....

Sora saw this and cancelled his Shikai and his Doors along with the clone.....

Lisa: "Giving up???"

Sora: "No... but if i push it further you're dead..... and i don't want that...."

Sora: "Therefore I decided to choose a long forgotten ability of mine....."

Lisa: "Bring it!!!!"

Sora closed his eyes took a deep breath..... and then charged towards Lisa...

Lisa: "Is he nuts with closed eyes???"

Lisa slashed with her spear vertically and the spear as if extended reach 2 meters in front of her right above Sora's head...

Sora then opened his eyes in slow motion making Lisa stunt..... she felt nothing from his eyes at all and then she briefly heard him murmur....

Sora: " - Divine Domain!!!"

The next thing Lisa knew was that someone was next to her gripping both her hands....

Lisa: "I.... lost....."

Shinji almost wants to rip out his eyes... he who was outside 100meters saw things very clearly.... he sidestepped on the right and then dashed catching her hand...

Shinji: "What the hell are those like reflexes..... probably Lisa didn't see a thing..."

Sora: "You lost..."

Crack clang!!!!! her mask shattered in pieces revealing a shocked face.... as she was trying to play again and again that moment in her head...

Sora ignored her freezing condition and hugged as he lightly gave her a kiss awakening her in the process.....