Chapter 468 : Being A Bother!!!

Apacci: "So what are you going to do about him???"

Harribel: "Sora... I will kill him with my own hands or die trying..."

Mila Rose: "You passed through hell during these reformations..."

Harribel: "Yes, his comment about me being him girl, caused the others to give me unimaginable pressure that i will pay them back in the future..."

Harribel: "Despite all that however Aizen seemed for amused than willing to hand out punishment..."

Harribel: "Is it because he wanted to see if a relationship between the two is possible?? Or he didn't care at all??? Perhaps both!!"

Sung-Sun: "What if he keeps tabs on us??"

Harribel: "Well as a leader i'm sure he knows things we aren't aware... Even now he might be listening to us..."

Apacci: "Ugh... This..."

Harribel: "Don't worry even if he did, he won't care unless we direct cause problems to him... Let's go!!"

All 3: "Yes!!! Queen!!!!"

Harribel: "Just my name is fine..."

Finishing their little talk they left from there, revealing a hidden figure as he looked at them with closed eyes and smiling evilly...

??? : "Aizen-sama was right, a few of them had thoughts of rebellion with their new powers but it seems Harribel isn't one of them..."

??? : "Oh, well i'll act when it is time to act..."

Back to where Sora, Ichigo, Ishida, Tatsuki and Sado were, they had finally passed through the passages and found themselves in the desert from within Las Noches...

The moment they entered they felt something amiss and when they looked around they saw a dust cloud coming towards them...

Sora and Ichigo had wryly faces as they knew this pattern with a bit of difference than what both of them knew...

The three Hollows were running away from being chased by a giant underground mountain... They were Pesche Guatiche and Dondochakka Birstanne, and their pet, Bawabawa.

Sora started laughing and the three of them heard him and recognised him along with Ichigo and started running towards them...

Ishida: "Wait, why are they coming this way??"

Ichigo: "Ahh, those are Nelliel's partners and from the look of it they are being chased..."

Tatsuki: "By what??"

Sado: "Is that a mountain??"

The moment Sado spoke a giant sand mountain was raised from ground revealing a half-destroyed Hollow with burns everywhere in its body and Ichigo who saw this immediately turned to Sora who had a thoughtful expression...

Sora: "Oh?? It's that motherfucker bitch that escaped my hands the last time i met it!!!"

Sora: "Ermm... Did it had a name??"

The Hollow who heard him and actually saw him froze in its tracks and stopped chasing the trio...

??? : "It's you!!!! And my name is Runuganga!!!!"

Sora: "Do i look like i care??"

Runuganga: "This time!!! I'll kill you and eat your body and soul to heal these burns!!!"

Sora: "Stop your whining... Last time you escaped because you used other Gillians as a shield..."

Sora: "What makes you think you can escape this time??"

Sora snapped his fingers and black flames emerged as he used shunpo and appeared in front of Runuganga...

Sora: "I don't usually let others escape but when i do they are incredibly lucky... And it seems your luck has runs out!!!!"

Runuganga: "AAAAAAARRRGGGGG!!!!!!!!"

Sora shoved his entire hand in his sand body which started getting devoured by the flames making Ruruganga scream in pain...

He tried to leave through the ground but noticed a blockade making him unable to dive down...

He watched himself being reduced in ashes as he cursed his luck for meeting him again...

Sora had used a Giant door cutting his body from the ground enabling him to completely kill him before returning back to the others watching the new three additions they had...

Sora: "Now he can't bother anyone anymore..."

Everyone was speechless looking at his face and then a giant tongue trying to lick him...

Sora: "Easy now... Well, let's move on!!!"