Chapter 521 : Getting Serious...

After seeing the Cero passing through Ichigo's afterimage, Ulquiorra suddenly felt something odd as he quickly backed away...

On the spot, he was standing earlier he could see Ichigo with his sword nailed on the ground and heard a thud as he watched something familiar land on the floor...

He then looked at his left hand and was astonished to see it missing...

Ichigo: "I actually told you to get serious..."

Ichigo: "Not that it matters if you lose an arm with your regeneration speed..."

Ulquiorra looked at Ichigo who was waiting for him to take his arm back and restore it, since he was kind enough to let him Ulquiorra did just that...

While he was waving his hand to check if it was healed, he turned towards Ichigo as he spoke up...

Ulquiorra: "Like that woman you have been deemed worthy of peering in my true form..."

Ulquiorra held his sword in front of him and while he was looking down, his reiatsu spiked before raising his head and spoke up to him...

Ulquiorra: "Enclose - Murcielago - Black-Winged Great Demon"

Ulquiorra's Zanpakuto which was a standard sized katana with a green handle and sheath, with the guard having two curved extensions from its long sides with a line going through both sides, suddenly shined in black and green colour as it burst forward, suffocating anything in its path...

It unleashed a black and green burst of spiritual energy, which fell around Ulquiorra as green rain. In his released state, Ulquiorra becomes a bat-like in appearance.

While in this form, large, black bat wings formed on his back, his hair grew longer and wilder, and the remains of his Hollow mask centres atop his head, with two large horns extending outward to the sides towards the front.

The lines on his face become black, broader, and more triangular, and his fingernails lengthen. His Arrancar attire becomes more form fitting and closed at the top, becoming more like a robe towards the bottom.

Seeing him like this, especially Ichigo the feeling he got that something was different of him from when he had come to the real world intensified...

Ulquiorra: "I hope you can keep up..."

When he spoke these words, Ulquiorra appeared right in the face of Ichigo with a green spear similarly to how he had done in the original only this time Ulquiorra narrowed his eyes before hitting and turned around clashing his spear with a sword...

Ulquiorra: "Another afterimage...."

Ichigo: "Oh... you can faintly see them now..."

Sparks flew around them and Sora who was watching was thinking that it was going quite well, Ichigo although he was using his original Bankai usage of shadows in his shikai form this was possible as he was stronger now and could only use at most 2-3...

If he were to stretch it, he can create more as he had done with Szayel...

He kept watching clashing and clashing and even with Ulquiorra first form it was hard pressed for both of them as neither could top each other off...

Just as he thought of that, he suddenly felt two bursts of reiatsu charging up and fired at point Zero from each other...

Ulquiorra: "Cero Oscuras - Black Hollow Flash"

Ichigo: "Tenno Kiba Tsuki - Heavenly Moon Fang!!!"


Both sides clashed, resulting in an explosion of the two trying to win for supremacy as their impact force was destroying anything in the room...

Sora not wanting to get caught in it entered his doors and vanished from there just in the nick of the time for the two attacks to burst upwards destroying the whole throne room...

Anyone who could see towards the center of the Las Noches saw a giant pillar of dark and green colours fighting it out with a purple pillar as it reached the ceiling opening a hole in it...