Two years

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

Such was obito's case. Frankly Mugen had no problem with the narut o series except for the ending of course. If he risked his life, he could probably save some of the ones who died originally. But he wasn't a god who determines who lives and who dies. Tears has come to eyes in the deaths of some such as Jiraiya. They were great men and women. Those who died. Nagato's sad past, yahik o and the many who died. He can't stop what has already occurred in cases such as nagato's.

He could strive to save the world but heroes and even villains don't possess happiness. Those such as the series smallville : Louis told him he couldn't be with him because while he is with her, he could be out there helping people. The flash also has similar pains. They tried to be happy but that isn't a hero's fate. Nor is it a villain's. He shan't live that way. What is the point in dying previously living for people all his life, only to save more people who will all die someday in this world?

He shall pursue his happiness. Even though he might have the power to, someday, he will never change. He isn't a god responsible for them. So even though a lot will die perhaps due to his interference he might be responsible for the deaths of others directly or indirectly. It is selfish but he always likened himself to a demon. If they were to be right in front of him sure he doesn't mind lifting a hand but no one's perfect. Help them now and maybe later they will die since you aren't there to save them.

Mugen had already decided to live as he himself. The him that was sealed by society to create another him that fits in. The one who followed the law and respected people who didn't earn it but who were supposed to have it anyway. That him was slowly being destroyed by this world. Even previously the law of the jungle applied but people were a lot more sinister in his world. They hid behind masks. Everyday people back in his world knew that there were people suffering elsewhere but some just lived their lives while few actually helped, like the homeless or African children.He was The same, if he was rich perhaps in his will, he would give it all to charity. But he could barely take care of himself.

The uchiha shall perish he will not stop it. Other such occasions shall happen as well. He is an intruder in their world. But he shall selfishly take what he wants and protect them himself. Naruto was a great series. The kid was a foo but he definitely had guts. Looking back at the him who is a father and the one before. He liked the latter more.

He shall selfishly live according to his beliefs. Some might disagree and condemn him but nonetheless He shall not sacrifice his happiness for others. "If you all want to save them become a god and do it yourself." That was what Mugen had in mind for all those who wanted to push their beliefs on him.

After two years unlike naruto he had truly matured. When you look at it, everyone's a hypocrite if you Deny it: You are either forgetful or haven't found something or someone worth becoming a hypocrite for.

Mugen headed back to the village unfortunately he didn't have any clothes at all that could fit him. All his clothes were destroyed and the one s left can't fit. Everything was hanging outside. He had to patch up them with leaves. He had grown a lot in two years. He was as tall as an 8 year old or even taller. Down there couldn't 'stand up' but it still growed. He was quite proud. He had a feeling he would be able to handle all his future wives in 'that' aspect.

Looking so ragged and uncool of course he used the transformation jutsu to disguise himself and go into t he village to buy new clothes, that fit.

Looking at the mirror in the private changing room. He saw his body. Definitely muscles. Not as ripped as gohan before the cell fight but he had abs and biceps like gon and killua when they visited the gym. His skin was the same. It must be his ice. He was never cold and when it was hot his cold kept it at bay.

He picked up a black long sleeved v neck t shirt and black shorts reaching his knee. He also bought a black fur scarf. He was dressed thin.

The female store clerk had stars in her eyes looking at him. She hugged and kisses his cheek forcefully. That wouldn't have been that much a problem, IF SHE WASN'T A GROSS OLD COOT WITH MAKEUP AND LIPSTICK!!!!!!!!! she was the splitting image of granny nyon, ugh. Mugen escaped her clutches after a difficult struggle.

As soon as he escaped he left her a piece of gold bar and gathers his belongings with the other clothes he bought and made for the door like a thief being chased by a whole community. Thankfully he escaped.

The tall 'granny nyon' said to herself looking at the door, " That boy will be quite the catch when he grows up. " she winked and licked her lips.

Elsewhere Mugen was wiping off the lipstick and makeup on his face when a sudden shiver went down his spine.

He started running again until he was right outside his house.

He struggled from exhaustion and sweated not because of the running but the old hag .

"Hey mom, I'm home" Mugen said as he took off his new black shoes he bought in a separate store.

She immediately rushed to him and hugged him. They stayed in an embrace for a while. When they finally separated she scolded him for leaving her and he just smiled as usual. She went to make him some food to eat while they caught up.

After catching up.

Mugen Sat with his adult vibe and with his eyes slightly closed. He sat in the living room on a mat facing his mother. He stared outside with his hand on his cheek, supported by the table, " Hey mom, I'm at the age to attend the ninja academy. I want to become strong, stronger than anyone. So I want to become a ninja. Don't worry I promise you I won't die. " he said resolutely and turned to look at her with his last sentence.

Mugen's mother stayed quietly while. She had lost her husband who died as a ninja. She didn't want to lose him. But she would be a fool to not notice his maturity. He has proved himself to her many times. She chose to support him. "Okay, but you absolutely must not die"

Mugen had thought she would need some convincing so he was caught off guard by her response. He smiled and said, " As you command, your majesty".

She smiled as well.

He went outside on his specially transported sakura tree. He sat on it to take a look at the sky. He always saw rikuo do it. So he thought to give it a try. It was nice and peaceful not to mention relaxing.

He would enter the academy tomorrow as fate would have it the entrance ceremony was today he had struck a deal with hiruzen and he agreed. Classes start tomorrow and he shall attend. In his free days in the past he had already studied up on a lot of knowledge. With the knowledge taught there he will learn of other jutsu and how to deal with them. He didn't plan on actually performing and using the jutsu all he wants is the knowledge.

He will graduate in one month and complete over a thousand missions as soon as possible. He will of course 'enjoy' himself as well. There were a few 'targets' in other villages such as that samui of the hidden cloud and perhaps even konan of the rain. They are for later in the future though.

He will learn everything in one month and become a genin.

To the academy .... Tommorow.