Shisui and Itachi

Mugen munched on his gift. It had a variety of things he didn't recognize but it tasted great. Red spots appeared on his cheek as his face turned chibi. Naruto had a lot of big events, the uchiha massacre and others he couldn't bother to think of. He had decided not to interfere because naruto and Sasuke needed those experiences but In reality those were excuses. He just didn't care.

All that happened was apart of Naruto and Naruto shippuden. This story is different. Mugen smirked, as he voiced aloud, "This is my story, the tales of Mugen uchiha."

Mugen transformed back into his chibi self and enjoyed the lunch. That Destiny whatnot, with them being reincarnations of Indra and Asura, they would most likely still become powerful. Perhaps maybe later or even sooner, who can tell. The uchiha has no use to him, if he were to take them all under his wing, maybe just maybe he can control them but what about further down the line: his great grandkids and great great grandkids era. Throughout history the uchiha have fought with others and even more among themselves. With the curse of hatred, courtesy of indra, he wasn't sure what could happen.

He remembered a certain fable. The scorpion and the crocodile. The scorpion asked the crocodile to bring him across the river. The crocodile was hesitant but the scorpion convinced him saying he would drown too if he poisoned him while riding him since scorpions can't swim. When the scorpion stung him halfway across and he asked why, the scorpion answered, "It is in my nature."

His father was a half blood uchiha and he was a quarter blood. His descendants shouldn't be a problem, their blood would be even more diluted.

The uchiha has no one to keep them in check since the senju were near extinct. naturally there are exceptions to every rule like shisui and itachi, however they would get what's coming to them. He doubted that if he told them that the stone in their sacred shrine was tampered with they would believe him. The others at the time tried to convinced them in vain. He didn't feel like trying to convince them.

"Speaking of shisui and itachi, I wonder if it's too late and they already love the village too much, I'll have to check. " Mugen thought aloud.

He could do without shisui, he gave one eye to itachi and Mugen was planning on killing danzo around that time or after, who knows what fate had in store, if he found danzo by his lonesome and didn't have any proof to justify killing him, he'd do it anyway and hide the body and everything, with a snake like him: Mugen wasn't taking any chances. If he has shisui's eye, he'll take it then. If this was a game shisui's eye would be god class of higher.

Shisui himself wasn't a must but itachi definitely was. With his selfless and personality with a few screws loose, he's the perfect right hand. He was supposedly a pacifist but he massacred his whole clan *whelp* he didn't want any soft eggs. Itachi could take care of things when he was too lazy to do it himself. He really wanted that kekkei genkai squad. It'd be like a pirate crew or tsuna's guardians.

Mugen was lost in his thoughts, by the time he noticed he was already at his door. Mugen slightly smiled and walked in. "I'm home" he said.

He was immediately grabbed by a blur that appeared out of nowhere, "You wicked boy, not coming home for so long, not thinking of your mother at all" she whispered in a blaming tone.

Meanwhile Mugen was wondering, "When did mother learn the flying rajin justu".

He felt the tears of joy and hugged her back silently.

Some time after.

They let each other go. 'You've gotten taller than me." She compared their heights . Mugen just smiled.

"Mother, is something wrong you disappeared so" Pakura came down the stairs and broke into a whisper. Their eyes met.

Sensing the strange atmosphere between them. Mugen 's mom excused her self. She grudgingly complains that they 're treating her like air.

Mugen walked up to Pakura. "You've gotten more beautiful since the last time I saw you." He didn't notice how She addressed his mother.

She was silent. Mugen continued, "You're a smart girl, I'm sure you've noticed something off, living with my mother.'

" I'm sorry I haven't showed you before but this is my true appearance. I'm actually 12 currently, but I want you to know that one not just a kid, I remember my previous life and I lived till my thirties. So I hope this won't interfere with our relationship. " Mugen uneasily explained.

She was silent for a while. The light made him unable to see her expression from his angle.

She embraced him, "You idiot, all that doesn't matter to me. All that matters is that you're home now and I won't let you leave me for so long again."

Still in his embrace, She put her face in front of his, "Nothing can change my love for you." She kissed him with sexy lips. Muge n's eyes slightly widened.

She twisted the flesh by his back, "Ouch" Mugen uttered.

"That's for hiding the truth from me all this time," she smiled and separated.

Mugen smiled as he put his arms around her hip, he moved his mouth close to her ear. "My darling, have they.... Gotten bigger?" He removed his head from beside her ear.

Pakura blushed, "You definitely have the mind of a perverted old man... And yes" she said the last words in a mosquito voice.

Mugen noticed something. The world turned chibi including Mugen and Pakura. He buried his head in his lap while he cried mentally, "She's She's... Taller than me.' Blue lines weighed down on chibi mugen. What man would like that his girlfriend was taller than him.

Chibi pakura, bent down and patted his back," There there what's wrong? "

"If you two are done flirting dinner's ready." A voice sounded from the kitchen .


The next day.

In the hokage's office.

Crkk. The ceiling froze. Seeing this Hiruzen turned and smiled, "I see you still like to make an entrance."

"Haha, long time no see, third hokage." A figure appeared standing on the ceiling in his casual clothes.

"You're lucky you caught me while I was visiting minato or you wouldn't have caught me here since this is no longer my office.' Hiruzen laughed.

" Ah, I had forgotten about that. " Mugen descended from the ceiling.

"A pleasure to meet you fourth hokage" Mugen said to minato. He was dressed in his coat behind the desk.

" Likewise, blue eyed Reaper of the leaf. " he responded with a glint in his eye.

"You flatter me Mr yellow flash" Mugen said.

"I just stopped by to say hi and confirm a certain matter." Mugen looked at the third.

" Has my personal squad been approved? " he asked.

"Ah yes, I'd forgotten about getting approval, I'd brought it up to the village's higher ups and a decision hadn't yet been made, with your current reputation, I doubt they will refuse." Sarutobi answered.

" Tell them I won't take no for an answer. I already have my eyes on two little sheep. I'm taking them from the village, I don't mind you borrowing them a few times as they are originally a part of this village but they answer to me and me alone. Don't worry those are the only two I'll take from here the others will be from elsewhere. Can you get approval right now? I want to take them as soon as possible. " Mugen conversed with hiruzen.

"Two young ninja huh, that wasn't in the original agree ment but fine. As for getting permission their is a meeting in how half an hour." Sarutobi said.

"Those two ninja, who are they?" Sarutobi asked.

" One's a genin and the other hasn't become a ninja yet. They both have potential and I want to groom them myself. " Mugen stated.

'I see that shouldn't affect things too much. " Sarutobi said.

"A squad?" Minato asked.

" Ah yes, you are hokage now so this concerns you as well. Mugen wants to form his personal squad of kekkei genkai users that answer only to him. " Sarutobi explained.

"A squad of kekkei genkai users!!!!!" Minato said atonished.

" Yes ",Mugen replied, "but don't get your hopes up, sure I'll go on missions and send them on missions for the village too however I choose the missions and you'll have no control over them"

"Even so they'll be of a tremendous help to the village. I approve. Though why don't you want them to be controlled by the village." minato asked.

"Well, I could say I don't like being controlled or I don't like those in power or it's just my style. There are a lot of reasons."

Minato looked at mugen. He put his fingers between the spaces in his other fingers, with his face behind it, as he said "I see".

Minato, Mugen and Hiruzen went to the meeting. Danzo was surprisingly busy doing something, luckily for Mugen. With his silver tongue he got those old crones hook line and sinker. It was made official and everything. His position was stable and it was agreed he'd have no superiors and if he wanted to do anything big, he'd have to inform them first. It was agreed he'd go on missions of his choice and they had to be at least. 1 S rank mission every month and 5 A rank. They were really using him for all his worth. He couldn't use his full strength now and his two future subordinates were too young, thankfully Pakura was included in the squad. They spent a few hours drawing up the specifics of his privilege.

He was of course not completely restrained. It was a convenient ability of his eyes. He couldn't make anymore clones or they'd disrupt the balance but if he stopped blocking it, he could see what all the other 25 were doing and they he. He could send them a message to go in hibernation and return all his chakra; leaving just a bit so they don't dissipate.He'd already tested it out. So worse comes to worst he can go all out. He'd be a fool to be completely crippled.


As his squad was approved, Mugen recalled itachi was five and shisui eight. He didn't know whether or not they became friends yet so he'd have to use his sharingan and find them. Mugen headed to the uchiha district.

After searching around for an hour or so he found the place they first met, he wasn't sure if it was here and if they've met yet so he waited to to see.

Sometime after.

Mugen lazily rested on a tree with his sharingan activated.

"My, my fate works in mysterious ways." He saw shisui and itachi after watching a while, he realized they'd just met. He descended from the tree.

" Who's there?!! " shisui guarded itachi and shouted to Mugen's direction.

Mugen walked towards them. They say his eyes.

"A blue sharingan....." Shisui said shocked , "And those are four tomoe ..."

Itachi was shocked as well. Mugen arrived before then with his hands in his pockets.

"You two, I'll make you an offer that'll change your life or not depending on your answer." Mugen said. He was really like Rikuo . If nurarihyon did have a child with that yukiona he'd definitely bee just like Mugen. He had that inherent charisma that made people want to follow him.

Shisui and Itachi looked at each other, "What is this offer?" They asked.

" To exchange cups of loyalty with me. When you do you would have given your lives to me and should be willing to die if I order it. " Mugen decided to do it Rikuo 's way; for leadership skills those three were his role models, I mean all three had their very own night parade of a hundred demons.

"I plan to rule over all shinobi in the future and naturally that would bring peace to this shinobi world" Mugen says to them .

"That's impossible, it's never been done." Shisui answers .

Mugen laughs, "My name is Mugen uchiha, my eyes were once like yours but now look at them, this should be impossible too, no. This is proof that nothing is impossible."

They both looked defeated as what he said is true. But such a thing like unification was too hard to accept. "This Lord naturally wants capable subordinates and you two have the potential."

Mugen wanted them to seriously think of his offer so he added a little insurance, "If you decide to serve me, the village will not bind you. You shall answer only to me. I have already cleared this up with the village authorities. Itachi I'll allow you to go to the academy and you will take missions I give you or that whi ch the village gives through me. I will basically be your lord. I intend to protect this village my way, the people I love are here after all. "

Mugen continues "Shisui you shall commit suicide and leave one eye to itachi. The clan will plan a coup and this will be one result. It probably hasn't been confirmed as yet. I know you've awakened your Mangekyo sharingan and that it's ability is called kotoamatsukami. You will die without ever really accomplishing anything for the clan and village. No one can stop the coup through gentle means. You'll leave your poor family alone and die a meaningless death after. Entrusting your will to itachi."

" Itachi both you and shisui love the village more than your clan and will work as double agents. If a coup happens, it will trigger a war. Once the other villages find out they'll definitely take the chance to attack. You will kill your entire clan so that your little brother may survive. You come down with an illness somewhere down the line and started dying, you let your brother hate you to get stronger and let him punish you for your crimes. There is a lot more but I can't tell you two too much. "

"As for how I know this it's all a secret, if you follow me you'll change your tragic fate and we shall give the uchiha name pride. The current clan cannot do that but we three are enough. The choice is yours. Though the clan will perish we shall carry on it's name."

"I know this is a lot to take in so I'll give you two some time to decide, even though I told you what will happen, without me as your lord you can do nothing to change the gate of your clan and yourselves. I can save you and your loved ones however not the clan itself." Mugen lied. He could save the clan if he wished.

" i can do without you two as subordinates but In the future only your little brother shall be a pure uchiha. "

Mugen disappeared into the trees.

"The fate of yourselves and those close to you is yours." Mugen's voice echoed.